U.S. Secretary of State Brosakus said that the United States strongly encourages the World Health Organization (WHO) to restore Taiwan to participate in this year's WHO (WHA) as an observer.

The 77th World Health Conference will be held in Geneva, Switzerland from May 27th to June 1st.

According to the US State Department, Blinger issued a statement on Wednesday (May 1st) local time that WHO will host the Perennial World Health Conference from May 27th, members of the participants and global health expertsAt the meeting, it will discuss the priority of promoting the development of global public health and public health.From 2009 to 2016, Taiwan participated in the WHO as an observer, but has been excluded since then.

Brinken said that the United States strongly encouraged WHO to resume the invitation to Taiwan as an observer to participate in the WHO conference this year, so that the world can benefit from Taiwan's professional and experience again.Taiwan has repeatedly demonstrated the willingness and ability to assist the global public health crisis and support the global public health community.

Brinton also said that the United States praised the WHO's measures in the past year to allow Taiwan to participate in technical work more meaningfully and promote communication.However, Taiwan has continued to be excluded from the World Guard Conference, which destroys the inclusive global public health cooperation and security.Inviting Taiwan to attend the meeting as an observer is a key step towards confirming the goal of "everyone enjoying health".

Brinken shows that the United States supports Taiwan to participate in the international forum meaningfully, which is in line with the United States' Chinese policy based on the Taiwan Relations Law, the United States and China three joint communiqués and the "six guarantees".

另据台湾中时新闻网报道,台湾外交部长吴钊燮星期四(2日)在赴立法院备询前受访时说,看到布林肯支持台湾参加世界卫生大会,希望能获得Support of more countries.However, because the mainland continues to decide to prevent Taiwan from participating in international organization activities with the UN General Assembly No. 2758, Taiwan will still face difficulties in participating in the WHO this year.