Chinese President Xi Jinping and US Secretary of State Brillin Friday (On April 26), I met in the Fujian Hall in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The seats were similar to last year. Xi Jinping was sitting in the middle chairman and Brinkeng was sitting on the right hand of Xi Jinping.According to a reporter from the Taiwan United Daily, when they met, the plants on the table were transformed by the meaning of "unpredictable".

It is reported that Xi Jinping's first meeting with Bollingken last June last year was also held in the Fujian Department.At that time, Xi Jinping's left hand was a Chinese representative, and Wang Yi, the director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Working Committee of the CPC Central Committee, was in order.Assistant and spokesman Hua Chunying.

The US representative is led by US Secretary of State Brills, the US Assistant Secretary of State Kangda, the US Ambassador to China Berns, the US National Security Consultant Sarawan, and the senior director of the Chinese Affairs of the White House.

This seat arrangement is the same as last year, but the number of participants from both sides was reduced from five to four.Xi Jinping was still sitting in the middle chairman, and Brinken was sitting at the right hand of Xi Jinping.Chinese participants are Wang Yi, Ma Zhaoxu, Yang Tao, and Hua Chunying; the United States is in order to order Brinken, Bernus, Kangda and Salvin in order.

This meeting was held in the Fujian Hall. Its murals were Wuyi Spring made by Chinese artists Wu Jingxi and Chen Wencan and others. Unlike last year, plant furnishings came from the lotus that symbolized "auspicious Ruyi, peace and expensive".Change to leave wood.

The leaf wood is commonly cultivated in southern China. Because the leaves can grow a lot of colors, they are named.At the same time, the juice in the plant also contains a certain amount of toxins, so it is best to wash your hands after touching, and you should not eat it by mistake.

According to Chinese official media reports, Xi Jinping said when meeting with Brinken that China and the United States should seek common ground while depositing differences, not vicious competition;Make a set ".