The Kuomintang Chairman of Taiwan, Zhu Lilun, met with the US think tank visiting group that the Kuomintang has always adhered to the "pro -beauty, friendly day, and land" line, and expects international friends with similar values ​​to stand together.Together, we work hard on the peace and regional stability of the two sides of the strait.

According to the press release issued by the Kuomintang, Zhu Lilun, accompanied by the Kuomintang legislator Chen Yongkang and Ge Rujun in the afternoon on Thursday (April 25), met with the Central Party Headquarters to meet with the US Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS).The delegation was led by Victor CHA, senior vice president of CSIS Asian Affairs and Korean lecturer.

Zhu Lilun welcomed the delegation first, thanks to CSIS for their support for Taiwan for many years, and cherishes the friendship between the Kuomintang and CSIS.He emphasized that the Kuomintang has always adhered to the "pro -beauty, friendly day, and land" neutrality route. In the future, international friends who are similar to more values ​​and like -minded international friends will stand together to work hard for Taiwan's security, cross -strait peace, and regional stability.Essence

He said that the wrong cross -strait policy of the DPP has caused the Strait situation to heat up and the regional situation is tight.The Kuomintang has repeatedly called on the DPP government that cross -strait must resume communication dialogue. "Maintaining the status quo" is the mainstream public opinion of Taiwan, and the new government must pay attention to it.

Zhu Lilun pointed out that the Kuomintang will continue to adhere to the 2D strategy of Defense and Dialogue to support national defense capabilities and reduce the enemy's hostile spiral through dialogue.

He also said that the DPP's wrong energy policy will lead to a crisis in Taiwan. Not only the frequent power outages and power skipping in recent days have made the people miserable.The Kuomintang cares about whether the high -tech industry, industrial power consumption, and the overall social toughness are all unbearable crises under the DPP government's wrong "2025 non -nuclear home" policy.