Southern+Client reported that on the afternoon of April 25, Huang Kunming, Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, met with Hong Xiuzhu, former chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang and the chairman of the Chinese Qingyan Peace Education Foundation, who came to Guangdong.

Huang Kunming welcomed the visit of Hong Xiuzhu and his party on behalf of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, and briefly introduced the economic and social development of Guangdong and the exchange and cooperation of Guangdong and Taiwan.

He said that Chairman Hong Xiuzhu firmly agreed and maintained the "1992 Consensus" and resolutely opposed "Taiwan independence". He has long been to promote the exchanges and exchanges between people from both sides of the strait, especially young people, and actively help Guangdong and Taiwan cooperation to promote cross -strait on the two sides of the straitWe have made important contributions to the peaceful development of relations and promoting the great cause of the motherland. We deeply praise and admire.

Guangdong is the source of the hometown of Mr. Sun Yat -sen and the sources of the modern democratic revolution in China. It has witnessed the glorious history of the Communist Party of China sincerely cooperating with Mr. Sun Yat -sen and the Chinese Kuomintang and the Chinese Kuomintang. It has left many magnificent chapters in the process of national rejuvenation.Since the reform and opening up, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, Guangdong has achieved a historic leap. At present, we are anchoring to realize the mission tasks given by General Secretary Xi Jinping when inspecting Guangdong.Strive at the forefront in promoting Chinese -style modernization.

Recently, when General Secretary Xi Jinping met with Mr. Ma Ying -jeou, he focused on the overall interests and long -term development of the Chinese nation.The realization of national rejuvenation pointed out the direction for the development of cross -strait relations.Guangdong will seriously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, always adhere to the concept of "a family on both sides of the strait", further give play to the advantages of the popularity and fate of Taiwan's popularity, and take more effective measures to promote cross -strait exchanges and exchanges.Compatriots do practical things, do good things, solve difficult things, build more platforms to promote cross -strait youth to learn from each other, communicate with each other, and actively actively create conditions for friends from all walks of life in Taiwan to innovate entrepreneurship, invest in and create conditions, and provide opportunities.Hand together to achieve greater contributions to the realization of national rejuvenation.

Today, the land of Shenzhou is everywhere, which is a hot scene to promote the modernization of Chinese -style modernization. Guangdong is a microcosm of this magnificent historical process.He warmly welcome Chairman Hong Xiuzhu and friends to go to Guangdong to walk and take a look, actively play the role of bridge bonds, promote Guangdong from all walks of life, promote Guangdong, promote the normal times and in -depth exchanges between the two places, and drive more Taiwan compatriots.In particular, young friends came to Guangdong to visit, study, live, employment and entrepreneurship, and experience the booming kinetic energy of Chinese -style modernization, and share the results of the construction of bonus in the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area and the results of high -quality development of Guangdong.

Hong Xiuzhu thanked Guangdong for his enthusiastic reception and care and support for the development of Taiwan and Taiwan compatriots in Guangdong.

She said, I am glad that after many years, I visited Guangdong with the glorious historical chapter of the Kuomintang and Communist Party after many years.People are here to work together and work together, and they feel very great and hopeful.I believe that Guangdong will be better tomorrow.

To realize the peaceful unity of the motherland is the common desire of all Chinese children. Chinese people on both sides of the strait must be closely together to conform to the general trend of history. They always adhere to the "1992 consensus", resolutely oppose "Taiwan independence", and unite to revitalize China.The younger generation is the future and hope of cross -strait relations. It will continue to do their best to do more good practical things to promote the exchange of youth on both sides of the strait, and drive more young people in Taiwan to visit and visit the mainland of the motherland.Use face -to -face interactive exchanges to strengthen understanding of friendship, realize each other, go in both directions, and work together to conspire the national rejuvenation and create a better future.

Source: South+Client