The Taiwan Legislative Dean, South Korea, plans to visit many European countries after the Legislative Yuan.

Comprehensive Taiwan United Daily News China Times and other reports, after South Korea ’s Yu was elected as the Legislative Dean, Lithuania, Czech Republic and other countries have successively issued an interview invitation to South Korea’ s Yu.

At present, the South Korean Yu Office also plans to visit the European Friendship State during this year's Legislative Court.

However, after the new President Lai Qingde worked on May 20, the Legislative Yuan will conduct a general inquiry of politics. Therefore, after the party and the opponents of the opposition and the field must be negotiated to negotiate the extension meeting and the meeting time, South Korea can decide the date and place of the visit and place of the visit.Essence

Kuomintang legislators Ke Zhien revealed on the Internet program on Thursday (April 25) that South Korean Yu's visit may not be determined in the summer vacation this year, because the Legislative Yuan may be extended until July 20.

On the other hand, the World Health Congress (WHA) will be held in Geneva, Switzerland on May 27. Taiwan has not yet received an invitation. According to the practiceThe team participated, including the KMT legislators Chen Jinghui, the DPP legislator Wang Zhengxu, the people's party legislator Lin Yijun, and Jiang Qichen, deputy director of the Legislative Yuan.

It is reported that South Korea ’s Yu has called for Jiang Qichen to speak for Taiwan on WHA and show Capitol diplomacy.Jiang Qichen is also expected to arrange to communicate with European Friendship MPs, but details such as related time and place are still under the plan.