Taiwanese scholars pointed out that the international environment before the US presidential election is relatively ease. Taiwan should take the foundation and atmosphere to make the foundation and atmosphere ease before the new government was in office on May 20, and the cross -strait relations are relatively good at faith.

According to the Taiwan China Times, Huang Jiezheng, an associate professor of Tamkang University Institute of Strategic Research Institute, attended an interview before a legislation meeting on Friday (April 26) that since the 1991 Golden Gate Agreement,Signing many agreements in a difficult situation means that even if the two parties have different scenes, if the two parties are willing to contact and communicate, they will definitely find ways.

Huang Jiezheng pointed out that, as a whole, the big international environment is relatively eased. At least on November 5 this year, the US presidential election is the same. "If we can take advantage of the new government to start,The foundation and atmosphere of pavement can be relatively good, retaining space. "

He also emphasized that both sides of the Taiwan Strait must create conditions for restoring official exchanges and dialogue, and a slap must not be shot.

Huang Jiezheng said that the most important thing among the governments of cross -strait governments is to do not immediately react as soon as they hear any words.What do you have, go home to sleep, think about it, or meet with your staff to respond again. "If you are in a hurry, you will often destroy a beauty.

Huang Jiezheng has served as the deputy chairman of the MAC, the Consultation of the Taiwan Representative Office in the United States, the director of the Institute of International Affairs and Strategy of Tamkang University, a senior researcher at the US Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS)Researcher at the Brookos Research Institute in the United States.Huang Jie is now the associate professor of the Institute of International Affairs and Strategy of Tamkang University and the director of the Kuomintang International Affairs Department.