Xiao Meiqin, the vice president of Taiwan, said on Friday (April 26) that unity and consistent information is very important for the current international situation. Ukraine's success is crucial to Taiwan.The people of tough drums.

According to the China Times News Network report, Xiao Meiqin attended the "Tough Island Series of Toughness Island Series: Global Dialogue of Value Diplomacy" organized by the DPP International Affairs Department that day, saying that authoritarianism is the common commonity of the international community.Threats that the people of Taiwan admire Ukraine very much, the Ukraine people defend the freedom and lifestyle of their country, as well as the resilience and determination shown.

She emphasized that Taiwan is strengthening the toughness in all aspects and doing everything to prevent the same aggressive tragedy from happening in Taiwan.The holding of this discussion promotes the dialogue and exchanges between international civil society, which is a good opportunity to learn from each other. At the same time, the connection between democratic countries will be established to strengthen the international toughness of the opponents against authoritarian invaders with the power of solidarity.

Xiao Meiqin reiterated that people who love freedom must support each other.She also takes this opportunity to affirm the concerns of Taiwan's non -governmental organizations on Ukraine, and support the continuous deepening of Taiwan and the Ukrainian people with practical actions.provide support.

Reporting, the above discussion invites representatives from the Ukrainian government organization and civic society to share the observation and experience on the front line of Ukraine.More than 50 partners from Taiwan and international civic society, Ukrainians in Taiwan, diplomatic officials, experts and scholars in Taiwan, and young students who care about Ukraine.

The theme of this discussion is the voice from Ukraine: the international community's anti -authoritarian speaker invites the Director of the Corruption Bureau of the Ukrainian State, Agiya Zahrebelska, Ukraine Free DemocracyThe vice chairman of the league, Yevheniia "Jane" Fedotova, Right Room Foundation Chairman Uliana Dzurliak, and the Voice of Ukrainian Voice Editor Maria Makarovych.

Among them, Feidolova mentioned that in recent years, Ukraine has changed rapidly to mainland China. Now 70 % of the Ukrainian people believe that mainland China has threatened the national security of Ukraine.She also reviewed the efforts of the Ukraine Free Democratic Alliance in the past few years, the efforts of the issues of Hong Kong, Myanmar, Uyghur and Taiwan, and supporting Ukraine's democratic activities. It also hopes that everyone can continue to support democracy and human rights together.