U.S. Trade Representative (US) announced that a new round of physical negotiations in the US -Taiwan 21st Century Trade Initiative will be held in Taipei next Monday (April 29).

Comprehensive Reuters and Taiwan Central News Agency reported that the negotiations were led by the US Trade Representative and the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States.And environment and other issues.

This trade negotiation is expected to not change Taiwan's exports to the United States, but some opinions believe that the initiative will strengthen the economic connection of the United States and Taiwan, open Taiwan to export more products to the United States, and improve Taiwan to resist China to resist China to resist China.The ability of mainland economic stress.

USSTR pointed out that the US delegation will be led by USTR assistant trade negotiation representative Terry McCartin.The Taiwan side was associated with Yang Zhenni, deputy presidents of the Economic and Trade Negotiation Office of the Executive Yuan.Trade negotiations are expected to last for five days.

Taimei signed the first batch of agreements in the 21st Century Trade initiative in Washington last June, covering five items including the convenience of customs administration and trade, good legal operations, service industry regulations, anti -corruption, and small and medium -sized enterprises.Topics; the second stage of the topic focuses on agriculture, labor and environment, and for the first time, physical negotiation was held in Washington last August.

USSTR has recently announced the negotiation abstract, including the transparency of the recommendation of improving agricultural product import license procedures and certification requirements, and improving the level of environmental protection, migrant labor rights, etc.

The Economic and Trade Negotiation Office of the Taiwan Executive Yuan also announced on Friday (April 26).The agricultural part is required to ensure that the food safety inspection and animal and plant prevention measures are required to be implemented in accordance with international standards, scientific evidence, and risk -based decision -making processes, and strengthen the transparency of regulations and promote agricultural product trade.

The Economic and Trade Office also said that Taiwan and the United States will promote the establishment of cooperation mechanisms for food safety and agricultural innovation production technology to ensure that the supply chain of agricultural products is smooth, and to improve agricultural productivity through the research and development and application of agricultural biotechnology.

In the past few weeks, when U.S. trade representative Daiqi was questioned by Congress, it was repeatedly mentioned that the 21st Century Trade initiative of Taiwan and the United States was the priority goal of the US Trade Representative Administration.