The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan seized the people through underground money to develop the organization in Taiwan through underground money, and emphasized that the recent detection of spy cases in mainland China, highlighting the effectiveness of anti -intelligence education in the Taiwan army.

The Taiwan National Defense Ministry of Defense issued a press release on the official website on Tuesday (January 2) in the afternoon of the afternoon. According to the officers and soldiers, the National Security Units such as the Investigation Bureau seized the people through the underground bank and were suspected of developing the organization in Taiwan.

The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan pointed out that it has taken damage control in a timely manner to detect illegal illegal.The whole case is currently entering the judicial procedure.

The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense also emphasized that the recent detection of the mainland spy cases, highlighting the effectiveness of anti -intelligence education for the Taiwan army, and will be persistent; and deepen the security investigation and the national security joint defense mechanism to jointly defense the continental penetration.

According to the China Times News Network reported on Tuesday morning, the case occurred at a radar station in the Taiwan Air Force. The officers and soldiers found that there was a normal manner of officers and soldiers in the camp.And suspected of selling confidential information such as defense to the mainland.

It was reported that the Ministry of National Defense was investigated after reporting from relevant persons and arrested three non -commissioned officers and a woman, believed that the four were suspected of stealing confidential information to mainland intelligence agencies.