Ke Wenzhe, a candidate for the President of the People's Party, said that he did not encourage abandoning insurance, but according to scientific data, "blue will vote in white, and white will not cast blue."

Comprehensive Taiwan China Times and the Central News Agency reported that Ke Wenzhe Zhou Taizhu, the Secretary -General of the People's Party, was held on Sunday (December 31), and Huang Shanshan, the general director of the campaign, held a press conference on the year -end gratitude and accepted a joint media visit.

Huang Shanshan reposted an article on Facebook on Saturday (December 30) that "as long as 3%of votes abandon the insurance, Ke P can flip the dangerous victory", which was interpreted by the outside world as the party to operate "abandoned Hou Baoke".When asked about this, Ke Wenzhe said that this has scientific data because the blue will be voted in white, but the white one will not be voted."" ".He emphasized that there was no encouragement to abandon insurance, but scientific data would speak.

Huang Shanshan added that according to external polls, less than one -third of the supporters of Ke Wenzhe are willing to invest to other candidates, but the supporters of the Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi are willing to vote for other candidates for other candidatesThe ratio of a person reaches twice, "not the problem of abandoning the insurance, but the problem of firmness and stickiness."

In addition, Hou Youyi said at the Taiwan candidate TV debate held on Saturday that he would set up a joint government and said that Ke Wenzhe would play an important role in it.This move was regarded as "abandoning Ke Baohou" by the outside world.Ke Wenzhe responded to this that since the blue and white break, this is the Kuomintang standard play. He is not surprised, but "even if it is deceived once, there is no second time."