Song Tao, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China, published a new year's message, calling on the people of Taiwan to focus on the overall situation, standing on the right side of history, and promoting cross -strait peace and reunification.

According to the official website of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland, Song Tao published a message on Tuesday (January 2) on the first cross -strait relations magazine in the first phase of 2024, and made the above statements to make a firm direction.

Song Tao said that in the past year, the mainland has adhered to the concept of "a family on both sides of the strait", conforming to the common voice of compatriots, and restoring the expansion of cross -strait exchanges.The mainland leads the development direction of cross -strait relations, and profoundly reveals the historical value and practical significance of the "1992 Consensus". Welcome Taiwanese people to worship, visit and communicate in the mainland, let more Taiwanese people watch the development and progress of the mainland, and feel the enthusiasm of the mainland people.Sincerely, enhance the common historical memory and emotional resonance of each other.More and more people in Taiwan have deeply realized that insisting on the "1992 Consensus" and opposing the "Taiwan independence", the Taiwan Strait can be peaceful, and the two sides of the strait can develop together.

He pointed out that in the past year, the mainland has adhered to the people's supremacy, the heart of the heart is the well -being of the compatriots, and continued to deepen the integrated development of cross -strait.The mainland takes care of Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan enterprises, timely solve the problem of registration of some Taiwanese food companies, restore Taiwan's relevant agricultural and fishery products to enter the mainland, help Taiwan compatriots facilitate mobile payment in the mainland, and help Taiwan compatriots to share mainland development opportunities in Taiwan and enterprises.The mainland has also strengthened the construction of cross -strait cooperation platforms such as the cross -strait industrial cooperation zone and Taiwan Farmers Pioneering Park, and builds more Taiwanese businessmen and Taiwan agencies to gather highlands, help Taiwan compatriots, Taiwan and enterprises integrate into a new development pattern, and participate in high -quality development.

Song Tao emphasized that in the past year, the mainland has adhered to the "peace reunification, one country, two systems" policy, maintaining the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, and resolutely opposing the "Taiwan independence" division and external forces interference.The major struggle for anti -division and anti -interference in the mainland is to resolutely counter the "independence" provocations such as the "independence and stability of Taiwan independence" to destroy the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait and obstruct the peaceful development of cross -strait relations.act."The motherland will eventually be unified and will inevitably be unified." This is an inevitable requirement for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the new era.

He proposed that in the new year, the mainland will adhere to the "peace reunification, one country, two systems" policy, adhere to the "1992 consensus", oppose "Taiwan independence", and have the issue of "Taiwan independence".Dialogue and negotiation, "jointly promote the peaceful development of cross -strait relations and promote the peaceful and unified process of the motherland."The mainland will adhere to improving the family and well -being of compatriots, continue to promote exchanges and cooperation between cross -strait fields, continuously expand cross -strait personnel, deepen cross -strait integration and development, promote cross -strait Chinese culture together, and promote the combination of compatriots on both sides of the strait.

Song Tao also said that the mainland will insist on providing a broad platform for cross -strait youths, learning and learning, and developing business. Welcome Taiwanese youths to chase dreams, build dreams, and dreams on the mainland. "Continuously contribute youthful power with the great cause of the motherland. "The mainland will adhere to the firm support of the patriotic unity on the island, resolutely oppose the "Taiwan independence" division and external forces interference, effectively maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait area, and promote cross -strait relations in the correct direction of peaceful development.

Song Tao finally called on the people of Taiwan to inspect the trend, take the big righteousness, take care of the overall situation, and take the avenue, and stand firm on the correct side of history.Essence