Taiwan Tsai Ing -wen said at a press conference on New Year's Day that the "Constitution of the Republic of China" is not a risk, and it is just the "1992 Consensus".

Comprehensive Taiwanese media reports such as Zhongshi News Network and Dongsen News Cloud reported that after Cai Yingwen (January 1), after the last New Year conversation of the Presidential Palace, he accepted the media interviews and made the above to make the above.Response.

Lai Qingde, a presidential candidate for the DPP, recently said in the television debate "the Republic of China is a disaster".The President of the Republic of China to handle cross -strait affairs in accordance with the constitution and the regulations of the People's Relations of Cross -Strait and other related regulations. This is what the president should do. "I have the same position as Vice President."" ".

Tsai Ing -wen pointed out that the "1992 Consensus" is the political basis that the Kuomintang advocates the use of negotiation and interaction with mainland China.Sovereignty is risky, so mixing the "1992 Consensus" with the Constitution will make the "Constitution of the Republic of China" fall into the risk of 1992 consensus. This is a truly worrying place. "

Tsai Ing -wen emphasized that the "Constitution of the Republic of China" is not a risk, but the link with the "1992 Consensus" is the risk.

As for the recent announcement of mainland China, from New Year's Day, the Tariff Society Agreement of Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Architecture (ECFA) is considered as a question of choosing actions before the selection.The industry has gone to the world, and gradually get rid of the old path of mainland China before going to the world; and emphasizes that the direction of Taiwan is welcome to welcome healthy and orderly interaction between the two sides of the strait, but it cannot turn economic and trade exchanges into political work, or even a political threat.Essence

Tsai Ing -wen emphasized that the actions of the mainland have been in various predictions of the Taiwanese side, and they will assist the relevant industries to prepare.In terms of current scale, ECFA has limited economic benefits, but decentralized risks and layouts are still the road to Taiwan's future industries.Risk of measurement.

In the New Year's conversation, Tsai Ing -wen talked about her in the eight years since her ruling. Taiwan has no longer forgotten. 23.5 million Taiwanese people have participated in the changes in the world and participated in the change of the world.

She said that in the past eight years, Taiwan has been committed to committing, maintaining the status quo, showing determination and strengthening national defense.Taiwan is not provocative, yielding, and has won the trust of the international community with extremely firm credit, deepen the cooperation with democratic partners, "allows us to be confident and firmly facing China with confidence and calmness."

Tsai Ing -wen mentioned that while increasing international cooperation, Taiwan also hopes that between the two sides of the strait to bear common responsibilities.Taiwan is looking forward to recovering healthy and orderly exchanges on both sides of the Taiwan Strait as soon as possible, and also looking forward to peaceful, equivalent, democratic, and dialogue, and to seek the long -term and stable and peaceful coexistence of cross -strait.

She pointed out that in the face of the re -conflict between global democracy and freedom and authoritarianism, the only choice in Taiwan in the future is still to continue to adhere to democracy and guard peace.

When talking about cross -strait economic and trade relations, Tsai Ing -wen said that after several years of efforts, Taiwan has reversed the predicament of relying on a single market in the past, and it has completely changed the past government to try to borrow ECFA and let Taiwan and Hong Kong the same as Hong Kong., Accelerate the path of economic integration with mainland China.

She said that the current cross -strait economic and trade relations have become healthier and orderly. Mainland China's dependence on the import of high -tech products in Taiwan far exceeds the dependence of Taiwan's traditional industries to the Chinese market exports.