In response to the last new year's speech in Taiwan's Tsai Ing -wen, he counts eight -year political achievements in governance.On the two sides of the strait, the long -term and stable and peaceful coexistence, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China responded on New Year's Day, stating that the Cai Yingwen route is the biggest source of chaos that leads to the critical battle of Taiwan soldiers.

Spokesman Chen Binhua Monday (January 1) made the above response on the official website as questioning reporters on the official website.

Chen Binhua said that since 2016, the DPP officials have stubbornly adhered to the "Taiwan independence" division and refused to acknowledge a Chinese principle and the "1992 consensus" to create the "theory of the two countries" and linked external forces.The provocation of "independence", wantonly destroying cross -strait relations peaceful development, roughly obstructing restrictions on cross -strait exchanges and cooperation, and constantly pushing the situation of the Taiwan Strait's tension and turbulence.

He pointed out that the so -called "Cai Yingwen route" is the "Taiwan independence" route, fighting route, and harming Taiwan. It is the largest source of chaos that leads to the danger of fierce war in Taiwan, the damage to the people's interests, and endangering the stability of the region.

Chen Binhua said, Cai Yingwen said "maintaining the status quo" and hope that the Taiwan Strait is peaceful and stable, in fact, stepped up "with martial arts", "leaning on the independence of foreign minions", promoting "de -Chinaization", doing great engagement, big engagement"Cultural Taiwan independence" and "detachable chain" seriously harm the interests of the people in Taiwan, and bring great harm to peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.

He emphasized that the "Taiwan independence" and the peace and fire of the Taiwan Strait and the waters of the Taiwan Strait run counter to the benefits of the people in Taiwan.Continuing the "Cai Yingwen route", taking the "independent" provocative road, and taking the old roads on both sides of the strait will only make Taiwan getting farther and farther from peace, prosperity, and getting closer to war and recession.

Chen Binhua called for the Taiwanese people to recognize the DPP's route and the extreme harmfulness and destruction of policies, resolutely oppose "Taiwan independence", make the right choice at where and where to promote cross -strait relations to return to peaceful development of peaceful development.Positive orbit, maintain the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, and their own security and well -being.