Less than two weeks before the election of the Taiwan election, at the Vice Presidential Candidate debate on Monday, KMT candidates Zhao Shaokang and DPP candidate Xiao Meiqin criticized each other's cross -strait position, which will bring risks to Taiwan;Wu Xinying, a candidate for the people, said that blue and green are dependent on China and one, and they have lost Taiwan's subjectivity.

Taiwan will hold the presidential and legislators election on January 13. The Vice Presidential Election Television Debate Club co -sponsored by 11 Taiwan media will appear on Monday (January 1).

In the first round of application, Xiao Meiqin counts the DPP for eight years in power. Taiwan's per capita GDP has surpassed South Korea and exported to 70 % of the results. Wu Xinying said that he was The only candidate with practical financial experience , and emphasized that only the people of the people can leave the Taiwanese people from blue and green as soon as possible.Voters are blue -green with votes.

Zhao Shaokang is a candidate for the Democratic Progressive Party's presidential candidate , said that he couldn't wait to wear Qiushui to wait for Lai Qingde to donate the old house.He also announced on the spot that he resigned as the chairman and general manager and director of China Broadcasting Corporation, and signed a resignation book on the stage.

Zhao Shaokang also said that if he was elected, the vice president was not salary, and the official residence could not live. He wanted to take it as a young house.

Taiwan's vice presidential candidate Zhao Shaokang (middle) announced on January 1 on January 1st.Will show up the resignation.(Photo by Miao Zonghan)

In addition, the The Constitution of the Republic of China "caused controversy ; Taiwan Tsai Ing -wen further slowed down on Monday, referring to the constitution of the Republic of China, which is not a risk, and connected with the 1992 consensus;One country, two systems, is a trinity plan.

This topic continues to be extended at the vice presidential candidate debate.During the media Q & A session, Zhao Shaokang said that he believed that "Lai Qingde, Taiwan independence, and war" was called the Trinity, and he and the Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi opposed one country, two systems.

Xiao Meiqin emphasized that Lai Qingde will also deal with cross -strait relations in accordance with the constitution of the Republic of China and the regulations on the cross -strait people's relations in the future.She also said that mainland leaders of China have clearly mentioned that the 1992 consensus is the first and no tables. "Since there is no consensus, how can we use the 1992 consensus as our country?" She and criticize the Blue Camp to consensize the consensus of the Republic of China in 1992 is the risk.

Wu Xinying said that the blue -green one depended on China and the other, and they all lost Taiwan's autonomy.The people's party advocates cross -strait cooperation on cooperation, compete for competition, and confront them. Taiwan must also enhance competitiveness.

In the interrogation session, Zhao Shaokang continued to focus on the risk of the Taiwan Strait, revealing that Zhongguang originally invited international superstar Taylor Swift last year to come to Taiwan, but the other party believes that "Taiwan has geopolitical risks.Dare to come to Taiwan.

Xiao Meiqin questioned Zhao Shaokang in a question and regarded Vice President as president to choose. He was frivolous, and even challenged the constitutional role of the current system and the head of state, which may cause the constitutional crisis.

Zhao Shaokang is against. Xiao Meiqin and Lai Qingde have to choose the Presidential Vice President, neither recognize the constitutional crisis of the Constitution of the Republic of China.

He further mentioned in the conclusion, "Our constitution does not seem to be reality, I also admit that it is even a bit ridiculous. How can we (the Republic of China) include the mainland?"Express to fight Taiwan in the mainland.

For the blue -green candidate's lips and tongue battles, Wu Xinying once shouted "please don't treat me as the middle air" and shout to the voters.Essence

After the debate, Zhao Shaokang said at a press conference that because the DPP was the ruling party, Wu Xinying was not the focus of his criticism.He also threw an olive branch, saying that in the future, he wanted to join the government with the people's party group, and Wu Xinying could become a cabinet member.

Xiao Meiqin was in a cold because of a cold. After the cancellation of the meeting, the reporter will ask the question and answer session, only a short conversation, saying that in the next 13 days, there are still many opportunities to continue to talk to the people and strive for support.