台湾在野的国民党副总统候选人赵少康星期At the TV debate on January 1 (January 1), the foreign policy of the DPP's eight years of governing the DPP has caused Taiwan to lose nine diplomatic relations.The spokesman of the ministry responded that the logic behind the diplomatic recreation was the "1992 Consensus" connected to the framework, which did not meet the current mainstream public opinion.

The Taiwan Foreign Ministry issued a news release on Monday on Monday on the official website that Zhao Shaokang's statement seriously distorted the facts, ignored the reality, and mislead the public.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that diplomacy is the exercise of sovereignty, and the goal of the Beijing regime has always been to eliminate the "sovereignty of the Republic of China".In the face of the ambitions that mainland China never hides and eliminates the "sovereignty of the Republic of China", the so -called diplomaticivism and other opposition parties have attracted the slogan of "political achievements".The "one China" architecture exposed the "sovereignty of the Republic of China" to the risk of internal affairs in the first middle school, and the results obtained by Gou An were concealed by hidden risks and regarded as political achievements.

Taiwan Foreign Affairs Department said that in recent years, Taiwan has become international keywords, and the international power has been greatly improved.Partners are highly affirmed.

Taiwan Foreign Ministry pointed out that in more than seven years, Taiwan has joined a total of 11 intergovernmental international organizations, including the International Medical Regulations Association (ICH), the Global Financial Innovation Alliance (GFIN), and the Safety Sky Consultation Committee(SSSCC), Aboriginal Economic Cooperation Trade Agreement (IPETCA), Global CBPR FORUM, and IRFBA.Taiwan has also signed a trade initiative for the 21st Century of Taiwan and the United States, the signing of investment promotion and guarantee Agreement (FIPA) with Canada, and the signing of the trade partnership agreement (ETP) with the United Kingdom.The so -called saying that Taiwan has not participated in any international organizations in recent years and has not told any bilateral economic and trade agreements. It does not match the facts.

According to the Taiwan United Daily, the Taiwan Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Yongjian was questioned at a regular press conference on Tuesday (January 2) that the international situation was very fast, and any government policy wasWe must consider the current situation and the latest public opinion.

Liu Yongjian pointed out that the logic behind the so -called diplomatic offer is the "1992 Consensus" that Taiwanese do not support, and a middle framework interpreted by the land.He said that with one middle framework and "1992 consensus" in exchange for diplomatic recreation, it does not meet the current mainstream public opinion.