Regarding the two major war between the United States falling into the Russian and Ukraine War and the conflict of Harbin, the scholars believe that the United States must prevent too much in the international situation, so as to be decentralized. In the short termIt was before the first meeting of the Chinese and American dollars to ensure the stability of the Taiwan Strait, so it took the initiative to throw out the saying that "does not support Taiwan independence".

Although the outbreak of the Harbin conflict, the United States betting a large amount of capital aid Israel failed to promote the ease of the situation. In addition, the Russian and Ukraine War continued, and the outside world's questioning of the US ability to mediate international conflict has recently risen.

Song Wenyi, a lecturer of the Asia -Pacific College of the Australian University, described in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the current situation can be described as "multi -force" for the United States.

He said that the support of Israel has always been a problem in the United States in the Middle East relations. Recently, the conflict broke out. The short -term content can easily cause the United States to fall into a relatively passive state in the relationship with the Middle East.

But Song Wendi believes that for the United States, unless the war in the Harbin has expanded to the surrounding neighbors, Ukraine is still the main battlefield for a long time. After all, Ukraine is related to the European portal; Israel's military strength is also sufficient to protect themselves.

Ding Shufan, a honorary professor of the East Asia Institute of Taiwan Politburo, also mentioned in an interview that the conflict in the newly occurred in the Middle East did cause the global southern countries to dissatisfy the United States, and to a certain extent to increase China's right to speak to these countries.

But he said that China has recently erupted friction with the Philippines in the South China Sea, and its attitude is tough, which will still cause national vigilance in the Asian region, especially small countries in Southeast Asia.

analysis pointed out that the support for Israel has always been a problem in the United States in the Middle East relations. Recently, the conflict has erupted, causing the United States to fall in a relatively passive state with the relationship with the Middle East.The picture shows students holding August 25 on the campus of the University of California Los Angeles on October 25. Students held actions to support Palestine.(Agence France -Presse)

After the outbreak of the Harbin conflict, there are also opinions that as the two worldwide war continues, the tensions around Taiwan are also increasing, and the cost of assistance in the United States will continue to increase.

The Bayeng government officially proposed to Congress on October 20 that more than $ 105 billion (approximately S $ 143.4 billion) was used to support the security needs of Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan and the southern United States.

In addition, when the US -Taiwan Association (AIT) chairman Rosenberg visited Taiwan in mid -October, he met three major political presidential candidates.She discussed with the Taiwan media in front of Taiwan and specifically proposed that "the United States opposes the status quo by unilateral changes, including does not support Taiwan's independence", and calls on the two sides of the strait to start dialogue.

The Taiwan media generally interpreted afterwards, and the United States used it to convey the situation of the Taiwan Strait to maintain stable expectations to Taiwan's major political parties.But Ding Shufan believes that in addition to reminding Taiwanese political parties, this remark is also for Beijing.

Ding Shufan pointed out that for Beijing, Taiwan's issue is the core of Sino -US relations; Washington also knows that China has always worried that the United States will empty the Chinese policy, so it is selected to reiterate the policy spirit at this time to enhance China and the United StatesThe head of state of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) San Francisco Summit at the San Francisco Summit held in November.

However, Ding Shufan believes that this does not mean that the United States will relax military assistance against Taiwan.

He said that under the two major wars of the Russian and Ukraine War and the conflict of Harbin, ensure the stability of the Taiwan Strait complies with the interests of the United States.The attitude of the United States is purely to improve Taiwan's self -defense capabilities and will not enhance the political relations of the United States and Taiwan. "Of course, from the perspective of the United States, you will feel that this thing (the relationship between the United States and Taiwan) is distinguished, but Beijing does not buy it."

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Washington for three days last week. It not only held two rounds of talks with US Secretary of State Brills, but also conducted strategic communication with US National Security Consultant Sarawan. He also conducted an hour with Biden in the White House for about an hour.Meeting.During this period, he expressed the concerns of Beijing on Taiwan many times.

U.S. President Biden (right) met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the White House on October 27.(Xinhua News Agency)

According to the press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Wang Yi specifically pointed out during the talks with Shalin that the biggest threat facing the Taiwan Strait and Pingping is "Taiwan independence". The biggest challenge facing Sino -US relations is also "Taiwan independence".It is reflected in specific policies and actions.

When he met with Biden, he also emphasized that a China principle and three joint communiqués of China and the United States are the most important political foundation of the relationship between the two countries. It must be excluded and actual maintenance must be excluded.

Before the end of the visit to the United States, Wang Yi said on Saturday (October 28) in Washington in Washington in Washington, saying that during this visit to the United States, both parties hoped that Sino -US relations would be stable as soon as possible as soon as possible as soon as possibleWhen I came down, they agreed to work together towards the meeting of the San Francisco's heads of state.

But he also emphasized that leading to San Francisco will not be "one Malaysia Pingchuan" and cannot rely on "autonomous driving".To this end, the two sides should re -return to Bali Island to truly implement the consensus of the heads of state of the two countries, eliminate interference, overcome obstacles, improve consensus, and accumulate results.

Scholars of interviewees believe that the possibility of the first meeting of the China -US dollar is very high, but the effect can still be played.

Ding Shufan pointed out that China and the United States are difficult to seek breakthroughs in the Russian and Ukraine and the Middle East. It is not easy to compromise with each other on the principles of the two countries.He conservatively estimates that the ultimate results of the talks may be limited to transactional issues, such as increasing flight frequency and further encouragement of civil exchanges.

Song Wendi also described that the meeting can only maintain the state of "fighting without breaking".