After Taiwan officially lowered economic growth forecast this year, Zhu Zemin, the head of the General Manager of the Executive Yuan, estimated that this year's economic growth rate should be more than 1%.

Comprehensive Economic Daily and the Central News Agency reported that Zhu Zemin made the above expectations when answering inquiries on the Finance Committee of the Legislative Yuan on Monday (October 30).

As for whether economic growth can reach 1.5%, Zhu Zemin answered "We are optimistic expectations" and stated that the main plan will make the latest forecast at the end of November.

In August of this year, the main planning office repaired the annual economic growth rate to 1.61 %, a new low in eight years.

In the latest outlook report for the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Taiwan ’s economic growth estimates this year to 0.8%. Zhu Zemin responded and did not agree with 0.8%.Low forecast.

The Kuomintang legislator Zeng Mingzong also asked, what situation will have "no way to protect 1" this year's economic growth rate.A large -scale war, etc., will affect Taiwan's economic performance, but at present, more than 1%of the current situation should be optimistic.