Guo Taiming, founder of Taiwan Hon Hai Group, said at a speech at the temple event on Sunday (October 29) that he asked Mazu to be able to reconcile the cross -strait peaceful and anti -economic crisis, and to unite the war.

According to Taiwan Yiping News Network, Guo Taiming, who is going to run independently to participate in Taiwan, participate in the streets in New Taipei City.The DPP legislator Luo Zhizheng, and parliamentarians Dai Weishan and Huang Shujun also attended, while the Kuomintang and Democratic Republic of China did not show up.One Ping News believes that this makes people see that there is still a long way to go in the field.

Guo Taiming said that when he worshiped Mazu, he prayed for three things.When he explained the first thing, he said that he had been to the bank of Meizhou many times and saw Mazu preaching peace, and the most needed on both sides of the strait was peace. Mazu was not only in mainland China, but also in Taiwan.To maintain a peaceful state of the people on both sides of the strait, any unwavering remarks violate the will of Mazu, and emphasize that the people of Taiwan should not fight peace and pray for Mazu to bless Taiwan peace and smoothness.

As for the second prayer, Guo Taiming talked about the problem of worry, that is, the economic tsunami is coming, and the world's economy has come to an irreversible situation.It is difficult, so how to make the economic development of Taiwan, allow young people to not pay low salaries, dare to give birth, and how old to have security policies, so that labor and health insurance will no longer go bankrupt.Floating on the stage.

Guo Taiming said that the government's fiscal deficit liabilities far exceed expectations. In addition to the tsunami of the world economy, Mazu does not know whether the strength of Taiwan's economy and the degree of internationalization can cope with.Under the blessing of Mazu, unite to face the future together.

As for the last prayer, Guo Taiming said that when Mazu would point out a clear road to Taiwan when the world situation changes, so that Taiwan will be more united.For the people, for the people, the future young people in Taiwan dare to give birth and live up to the house.

Guo Taiming also said that the Ukrainian war did not stop, and the conflict of Harbin followed to see the cruelty of the war and the crime of inhumane.For variables, these all need Mazu's wisdom and wisdom, leading Taiwan's peaceful spend, allowing Taiwan to go forward smoothly.