Martin KENT, the Minister of Trade in Asia Pacific, visited Taiwan to negotiate the hosting of the British and Taiwan Economic and Trade Dialogue.

According to the Taiwan Liberty Times, Kent currently conducts a five -day visit in Taiwan to expand and deepen trade and investment between Britain and Taiwan.

The British office in Taiwan said on Monday (October 2) that the main purpose of Kent's trip was to meet with the International Trade Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Economic Affairs to prepare for the 26th Taiwan Britain held in London in November.UK-TAIWAN Trade Talk.

The British office pointed out that Kent will meet with Chen Zhengqi, the second director of the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs, who will go to London and the British International Trade Secretary Nigel Huddleston to co -host this year's Taiwan -British Economic and Trade Dialogue ConferenceEssence

According to the plan, Kent will also meet with Deng Zhenzhong, the general negotiating representative of the Taiwan Administrative Council's government affairs committee and the economic and trade negotiation office.) A official hierarchical talks.

Kent said that the total amount of British trade has reached 8.6 billion pounds (about S $ 14.2 billion).Britain and Taiwan's trade growth.

Kent mentioned that he will give priority to promoting investment business opportunities in the world's leading global green energy industry, and develop a broader partnership in science, technology, and research and development.

The British office explained that Kente's trip will also meet with a number of British companies in Taiwan to understand the business opportunities of British businessmen in Taiwan.Corporate meetings and develop English -Taiwan cooperation opportunities.