Li Chun, the director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan, said that mainland China is trying to change the status quo of the Taiwan Strait and call on the international community to face the ambitions of the mainland's conspiracy.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan, Li Chun accepted an exclusive interview with the Swedish Evening News on September 1.The title was published on the official website of the newspaper.

Li Chun pointed out that the midline of the Taiwan Strait has been regarded as the border of cross -strait for a long time. However, the mainland has recently dispatched military planes and warships to cross the Taiwan Strait, trying to change the status quo, so as to impose psychological pressure on Taiwan to intimidate the people of Taiwan.The mainland also regards cross -strait disagreement as internal political disputes. It is required that other countries should not intervene and try to persuade other countries such as Sweden not to establish any relationship with Taiwan.These actions are designed to suppress Taiwan and force Taiwan to succumb to the mainland.

Li Chun said that the mainland has adopted a gray combat strategy against Taiwan to have a similar impact on war at a lower political cost.For example, to resist agricultural products such as pineapple and mango in Taiwan, to make economic coercion in Taiwan; in order to interfere with Taiwan ’s Presidential election next January, military planes and warships disturb Taiwan and military exercises, and use fake information and network attacks to threaten once specific candidates were elected as electedCross -strait relations will be even more unstable to achieve the purpose of affecting the election results.

Li Chun said that the mainland is unnecessary to isolate Taiwan in the international community, and to obstruct Taiwan's participation by striving for important positions in international organizations.Taking the World Health Organization (WHO) as an example, Taiwan has attended the World Health Conference (WHA) for many years as an observer, but in recent years, under the obstruction of the mainland, although Taiwan has been praised internationally in response to the crown disease, it has been unable to share the epidemic prevention experience.

Talking about the Russian and Ukraine War, Li Chun emphasized that this war proves that military and economic strength is not the key to winning. As long as there is a determination to self -defense and the support of the country, small countries can also resist powerful enemies.

Li Chun said that there are many similarities between Ukraine and Taiwan. Taiwan must actively prepare for the war to accelerate the military purchase process and implement people's psychological preparation. Taiwan must first show self -defense determination, otherwise international assistance will not come.The Russian and Ukraine War also made the mainland rethinking the cost of martial arts in Taiwan, and the difficulty of attacking Taiwan was much higher than before.