(Taipei Comprehensive News) Former President Ma Ying -jeou said on Monday that because the Tsai Ing -wen government changed the English name of "National Day of the Republic of China" on October 10 to "Taiwan National Day", in order to show a firm and "Taiwan independence" routeCutting, he refused to attend the "Double Ten" National Day conference this year.

Ma Ying -jeou's Monday (October 2) posted on Facebook that he has never been absent from the National Day conference in the past 40 years;Day "; translated into Chinese," Taiwan National Day ".

He pointed out, "The Cai Yingwen government deliberately turned 'Taiwan' into the name of the country, and turned the National Day of the Republic of China into the National Day of Taiwan State.It does not abide by the Constitution of the Republic of China, but also violates the current promise of "complying with the Constitution" when Tsai Ing -wen's dating the Constitution in 2016 and 2020. It is more disadvantaged and irresponsible.

Ma Ying -jeou said that last year he publicly called on Tsai Ing -wen and You Xizheng, the legislative dean who organized the Double Ten Festival, and not to use "Taiwan National Day" as the English name of the double 10th festival. Unfortunately, they were ignored, and this year still me.

"Since the persuasion is invalid, I think if you attend the" Taiwan National Day "again, the" Taiwan independence "line of" Taiwan independence 'is the DPP government that harms Taiwan's security and harms the Republic of China, so I decided to decideRefuse to attend this year's National Day. "

Ma Ying -jeou finally made an appeal to Taiwanese voters that in the presidential election in January next year with a voting, "the government that violated the Constitution of the Republic of China and ignored the safety of the people of the Taiwan Bay to return to the Republic of China.Before the Presidential Palace, celebrate the "Republic of China 'National Day!

According to the Freedom Times Monday report, You Xizheng, who is also the chairman of the Double Ten Festival, reminded this: "I think this is his personal feelings. Now everyone knows that we are Taiwan, Taiwan, and the Republic of China is 23 million in Taiwan.People are paying taxes and served as presidents, including former President Malaysia, who was also a president of 23 million candidates. We respect his decision, but I still sincerely invite him to participate. "

Chen Jianren, the president of the Executive Dean, also responded that this year is to celebrate the "National Day 112 of the Republic of China", and the English name of the past National Day is "Taiwan National Day".I don't understand why he suddenly did not participate this year.

According to the United Daily report, Xiao Xuzen, the executive chief of the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation, said in an interview that based on the government's continuation and respect for the current president, Ma Ying -jeou has made every effort to persuade him.However, Tsai Ing -wen insisted on promoting the wrong Taiwan independence route. Ma Ying -jeou could not match the flow and say this.