Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeThe conference will be the first time he is absent in 40 years.

Ma Ying -jeou posted on Facebook on Monday (October 2) to make the above announcement.

He said, "Today, I announced that I was rejected to attend the National Day conference on October 10 this year with a sore mood of 120,000 points, and emphasized that this was the first time he was absent in the past 40 years.

The reason why Ma Ying -jeou could not attend was that from the previous year, the Cai Yingwen government changed the English name of the Shuang 10th Festival to "Taiwan National Day"; translated into Chinese, "Taiwan National Day"."When will our country's name change from 'Republic of China' to 'Taiwan'?"

Ma Ying -jeou bluntly, the Cai Yingwen government deliberately turned "Taiwan" into the name of "country" and "the Republic of China", "Republic of China", "The "National Day" becomes the "National Day" of "Taiwan State", which is an out -of -the -box "Taiwan independence" route.He said that this is the last twenty section of Tsai Ing -wen in his tenure, which still hurts Taiwan, which is very distressed.

Ma Ying -jeou said that he publicly called on Tsai Ing -wen last year and the legislative dean You Xizhen who organized the Double Ten Festival.

Ma Ying -jeou believes that since the persuasion is invalid, if he attended the double tenth section ceremony, it is similar to the "Taiwan independence" route that is bent and smuggling.Therefore, he decided to refuse to attend the Double Ten Festival this year."I want to tell Taiwanese and the world. For the security of Taiwan, the well -being of the descendants, we can no longer be silent. We must firmly cut the" Taiwan independence "route and resolutely oppose Taiwan independence!"