"Just like our ancestors during World War II, many history of the world will be written between the Pacific Ocean in the future. Like them, we have the responsibility to write this history for the next generation."

U.S. President Biden Bayeng on Monday (25th) when he met the leaders of the Pacific Island country in the White House, the above conversation ended the speech. He also mentioned that the United States fought against Japan during the Pacific Ocean during World War II.Both the New York Times and the French International Radio interpreted it as that Bayeng was in progress without named China.

Against China ’s influence in the Pacific

After the first Pacific Island Forum Summit was held in the White House last September last September, a similar forum was held in just one year.force.The United States has dominated in this area, but in recent decades, it has ignored this region. After realizing that China has been forced to "return to defense" South Tai after investing in the Pacific Island country through investment, business and other means.

There are 18 member states of the Pacific Island Forum, most of which are distributed in small countries in the vast area.After World War II, the South Pacific was regarded as a place where diplomacy was relatively unquestionable, but now it has become an important area for competition, political and military influence in major powers.

The member states of the Pacific Island Forum are: Australia, Cook Islands, Michaeli Federal Federation, Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribas, Nauru, New Caerdonia, New Zealand, New Ernar, Plau, Papua, PapuaNew Guinea, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.

Among them, there are four countries. The Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, and Turkaru are Taiwan's diplomatic relations.The Solomon Islands and Kiribas originally established diplomatic relations with Taiwan and turned to China in 2019.Solomon Islands Prime Minister Sogovre did not attend the summit, highlighting the increasingly fierce influence in the region in the region.

The Solomon Islands signed an undisclosed security agreement with Beijing last year, which made the United States, Australia and New Zealand feel uneasy. It is worried that China may set up a military base in the Pacific Island country to expand its military and political influence.

The State Council Prime Minister Li Qiang on July 10 this year with the Solomon Islands Prime Minister Sogovre, who was officially visited in China on July 10 this year.Before the talks, Li Qiang held a welcome ceremony for Sogovre in the North Hall of the Great Hall of the People.(Xinhua News Agency)

The Prime Minister Kirman, who took office shortly after, was going to the summit because he wanted to participate in the unwilling voting of the former Prime Minister.Vanuatu also signed a police cooperation agreement with China last month and regarded China as its largest external creditors.

War logistics to the United States in the United States will be a place of contention in the United States

The Pacific of the Pacific Island State is not only on the maritime transportation road between the Americas and Australia, but also rich resources such as energy and fisheries, which has become a popular place for countries to compete for strategic position and resources.

The Voice of Germany reported on September 5 that the location of the South Pacific Island country is the road to maritime trade, and it is also an important logistics line for the outbreak of the war.They constitute the "Two Island Chain", and for the United States, they are also outposts of Hawaii and Guam.The "First Island Chain" has extended to the south of Japan's islands and Taiwan has been extended to the Philippines, and the second island chain is more south and extends to Australia.

Report quoting Sax, director of the Asian Office of the Bangkok Albert Foundation, said that in Beijing, once a conflict broke out, the United States can fully block China's logistics line and maritime trade channels within 24 hours. ThereforeInitiative and South China Navalization, the purpose is to break through the blockbuster policy that the United States may adopt.From the perspective of the United States, the Pacific region is not only a simple boundary on the geopolitical chessboard, but also the forefront of the US local defense line.

"In other words, this is the most sensitive area of the two major super powers in the 21st century in the 21st century. This is why the current situation is very dangerous."

The United States will send sea cruisers to the Pacific Island

In order to win the Pacific Island country, Biden announced a series of measures to strengthen partnership at the Pacific Island Forum Summit.Among them, the Cook Islands and New Eily are the independent countries and established formal diplomatic relations with them; the number of Pacific island students who have traveled to the United States this year has doubled;Assistance, including more than $ 20 million in new investment, prepares for climate and natural disasters.

Biden also promised to provide assistance on security issues.He said that in order to ensure that India is safe and open, the United States will send sea cruisers this year to provide training for the Pacific island nation. At the same time, it plans to jointly invest 11 million US dollars with the "Sifang Security Dialogue" partners to introduce the cutting -edge sea area perception technology to the area.

In terms of economy, Biden said that the White House is working with Congress to allocate $ 40 billion for the infrastructure of the Pacific Island country.

US President Biden (Middle) and leaders attending the Pacific Island Forum Summit took a group photo on the 25th in the White House on the 25th.(Bloomberg)

U.S. Media: Southern Pacific Foreign Achievement Achievements Half Say

The United States has actively launched a diplomatic charm in the South Pacific since last year, including the establishment of the "Blue Pacific Partner" framework with the Pacific Islands in June Last June with the British, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand;Samoa, Tangjia, Solomon Islands, Australia and New Zealand; at the end of September last year, the first summit of the United States and Pacific Island countries in Washington was held. During the meeting, the United States introduced a 16 -page "Pacific Partnership Strategy" to the Pacific Island country as the United States."Too strategic" key component.

In February and May of this year, the United States opened the embassy in the Solomon Islands and Tangjia; in May this year, Biden originally scheduled to visit Papua New Guinea, but the visit was canceled due to the unsolved domestic debt limit crisis., And sign an agreement with Pakistani for defense cooperation.

The Wall Street Journal analyzed on the 25th that the diplomatic achievements made in the South Pacific region over the past year are mixed.The United States has made a little progress in the opening of the embassy in Kiribas, and the government has still refused to approve.In addition, the freedom connection between the United States and the Marshal Islands will expire on September 30, and the two countries are still negotiating for renewal.

The United States has a free contact treaty with Palau, Micronesia, and the Marshall Islands for a long time.According to the treaty, the Three Kingdoms became the "free contact" of the United States, and did not maintain its own army, and the United States was responsible for protecting its national security.The United States can establish and use military facilities in the "free contact state", and at the same time, it has the right to reject third countries' military entry or strategic use of the state.

In May this year, the United States renewed contracts with Palau and Micronesia, but it was still approved by the parliament, and the Marshall Islands had not renewed.The Marshall Islands want more funds to deal with the problems left over the United States in the large -scale nuclear test in the 1940s and 1950s. Earlier, the report from the American Institute of Peace to War warns that as long as a country in the treaty freely contacts the treaty to China to seek funds and is included in the scope of its influence by China, "it can endure the military power of the United States in an important strategic geographical command area, and the emphasis is the importance.The opening of the plastic area structure can affect the Pacific area. "

The budget battle of the U.S. Congress may also endanger the United States' strategy to fight against China in the Pacific region.The United States said last year that it will invest more than $ 810 million to assist the expansion plan of the Pacific Island country, but Reuters quotes Kien, director of the Pacific Island Project of the Australian Institute of Australia, said that although the United States has opened new embassies and the United States in the Pacific Island country and the United StatesThe International Development Agency Office, but Congress has not yet approved these funds.

Global Times: China and the Pacific Island country are models of South -South cooperation

China Global Times reported that the United States tried to pull small circles and fake thoughts in South Pacific, and said that in a strong contrast to it, China strengthened with each other in accordance with each other.The theme of development "the theme of development has become a model of South -South cooperation, mutually beneficial and win -win.

Reporting to list China's diplomatic achievements, including since the 1970s, China has implemented nearly 500 projects to these island countries to help build important infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and docks.Times.It is reported that China has sent medical teams to eight countries to build diplomatic relations to benefit hundreds of thousands of islands.From 1992 to 2021, the average annual annual increase in the trade volume of China ’s establishment of the diplomatic island country has increased by more than 30 times.

According to the "China -Pacific Island State Cooperation Facts" released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2022, the two sides have established a double multi -multilateral dialogue mechanism such as the joint economic and trade committee, the agricultural ministerial meeting, and the fishery cooperation development forum.High -levels have also visited China many times.

Nevertheless, at the China -Pacific Island State Foreign Minister's meeting held in the capital of Fiji in June last year, the joint statement drafted by China beforehand was not approved.It was reported that the Federal President of Michaeli Panuuro sent a letter to the neighbors of the South Pacific neighbor, calling for rejection of the Chinese draft.Nurol's proposed agreement aims to "ensure China's impact on its government" and "economic control" on key departments.

With the intensification of geopolitical competition in the United States and China, the trend of the two strong competition in the Pacific Ocean will definitely rise.China has determined that the United States wants to join forces with allies to seek deeper military intervention in the Pacific region, and the United States and its allies are concerned. China provides funds for infrastructure projects for key strategic locations to use the Belt and Road Initiative to achieve military access in the future.Faced with the two strong diplomatic offensives, the South Pacific Island country, which is located at the Geopagant Political Competition Center, seeks to maximize the benefit, but do not be forced to "choose the side station", and does not want geopolitical disputes to lead the regional militaryization upgrade and repeat the history of World War II.