Huang Shuguang, a member of the National Security Consulting of Taiwan, said that Taiwan's first homemade submarine will be launched and tested after the water is laid off. It is expected to go to sea in April next year.

According to the Taiwan Freedom Times Monday (September 25), Taiwan ’s homemade submarine prototype ship will hold the naming and naming of the Taiwanese submarine prototype ship at the Kaohsiung Factory of Taiwan Shipping Company on Thursday (September 28)The watershed ceremony, Tsai Ing -wen will attend, and recently approved the ship's ship named "Hai Yan".

When talking about the process of the submarine's acquisition, Huang Shuguang, the convener of the Presidential Palace's Taiwan Submarine Project Team, said at the internal briefing that the former president of the late President Lee Teng -hui hoped that the United States could sell eight submarines for the soldiers.Ship, but did not respond, and at the time of the former president Chen Shui -bian, although the US President's consent, because the United States no longer produced traditional power submarines, at the time, the US Navy was unwilling to impact nuclear -powered submarines.Former President Ma Ying -jeou not proposed the Taiwanese submarine until the end of his term was about to end. He served as the captain of the 256th battle of the Navy at the time. Ma Ying -jeou visited the Navy.

Huang Shuguang pointed out that after Cai Yingwen became Taiwan, he really did things well.He took over as the naval commander and Cai Yingwen went to the Navy's visual guidance, ordering him and the Navy team to complete the task of Taiwan -made submarines.

Talking about the period of the Taiwanese submarine, Huang Shuguang said that the first homemade submarine in Taiwan will launch the water on September 28.It is scheduled to go to sea on April 1 next year, and then the maritime test (SAT) will be started. I look forward to the first Taiwan submarine will be handed over to the Navy before the end of next year.