(Taipei Bloomberg) Although the United States is trying to reduce the dependence of semiconductors of foreign partners, Taiwan representative Xiao Meiqin said that Taiwan will still be the source of the world's most advanced micro -chip in the world.

Xiao Meiqin said in an interview with Bloomberg TV that TSMC's establishment of a chip factory in the United States is "an important effort to further consolidate security and stabilize the supply chain."

But at the same time, Taiwan is still indispensable and irreplaceable. She said: "We have spent decades to produce semiconductor chips, establish and cultivate a very competitive ecosystem and environment.. So far, we have not seen someone who can replace Taiwan's production capacity for many years. "Bloomberg website released relevant videos on Saturday (September 9th).

Taiwan and even the world's largest wafer leader TSMC announced last year to invest $ 12 billion (S $ 16.3 billion) to build chip manufacturers in Arizona, USA. The goal is to produce high -end semiconductors in the United States by the end of 2024.However, due to concerns about high costs and lack of skilled labor, this goal is now postponed to 2025.

With the continuous strengthening of military deterrence against Taiwan in mainland China, Taiwan has been seeking close relationships with the United States, and at the same time ensure that its status as the world's top chip production is not challenged.

Xiao Meiqin refers to the use of military power in mainland China in the region, and "the aimed at isolation in Taiwan's bullying acts, we must continue to work hard."

Xiao Meiqin emphasized that Taiwan does not intend to destroy the status quo. Taiwan's goal is to ensure that they have enough friends, so that the people will not be isolated and helpless when facing the challenges that endanger Taiwan's democracy and existence.