A survey shows that 90 % of office workers in Taiwan are not satisfied with their current salary, and 75 % of office workers have stagnated salary this year.

According to the Taiwan Central News Agency report, the "1111 Human Bank" of the job search website on Wednesday (September 6) released the "2023 office worker's current salary increase current situation" showed that up to 90 % of office workers are dissatisfiedThe salary has set a new high in the past five years, and 75 % of the respondents are bluntly. This year's salary has completely stagnated, only 25 % of the salary increase, an average increase of 2117 yuan (NT $ 90, about 90 yuan)Essence

For the reasons without salary, the company does not have a regular salary adjustment system accounting for 61.8%, the company's poor profits account for 18.6%, the boss does not agree to account for 16.9%.Not enough 12.4%.

The survey showed that the respondents had an average of three years and seven months in the freezing salary period, that is, there is no salary increase in the same position, and 25.5%of the respondents have been for more than five years without salary increase.Essence

Many office workers strive for salary increases through job changes. The survey shows that the average of up to 7346 yuan for office workers can be increased by 7346 yuan.In addition to transferring jobs, it is also common to adopt a salary increase requirement for retreating. 20%of office workers have requested salary increases as "want to leave", of which only 9.3%of them have been successfully salary and were comforted.

The survey time is from August 14th to September 4th, with 1084 valid samples, 95%of confidence level, and 2.98 percentage points for positive and negative errors.

The Taiwan Ministry of Labor will hold the basic salary review committee on Friday (September 8), and the basic salary will be adjusted next year.The Executive Yuan Council has approved the salary adjustment of military education next year by 4%.