Taiwan ’s volunteer military service will be extended to one year next year, and about one of each of them will be sent to the outer island. Some scholars suggest that these service personnel should give the preferential treatment during the reduction of the service period or add.In this regard, the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense responded that it could be added to the conditions, but based on fairness, the service period would not be different due to the place of service.

Comprehensive Wind Media and the Central News Agency reported that the deputy researcher of the Taiwan National Policy Research Foundation Jie Zhong Sunday (September 3) pointed out that according to the 20243 national defense budget, in order to resolve the departure of the departure island garrison,In the lower situation, 700 people are expected to distribute 700 people from Kinmen and Matsu next year, which is equivalent to an average of one of each of the 13 -member service personnel.

Jiezhong believes that the exit island with more difficult service conditions, if the obligation is a lottery instead of voluntarily, it may cause management risks."Wait for preferential treatment to encourage voluntary service to voluntarily choose to go out of outlying islands.

In this regard, the Taiwan Ministry of Defense on Monday (September 4) said that after the planned obligations to complete the enlistment training, they mainly distribute the defense forces such as this island, outer islands and central defenseEssenceAs for the supplementation of the out -of -out island personnel, the man in the service man has a middle and high expertise, or the household registration is located on the outer island, and the volunteer selection and the distribution.

The Ministry of National Defense said that after the one -year service personnel enrolled in the army, after the departure of the islands, the volunteer service personnel of the standing forces can be completed on the islands of the outside island.Training, education and training resources in the region can meet the training needs.

The Ministry of National Defense said that during the voluntary service of men's service, in addition to the additional regions, it can also be added according to the expertise, position and actual duties.However, the Ministry of National Defense also emphasized that the duty period is based on the principle of fairness in military service and will not be different due to the area of service.