(Mana Gua/Taipei Comprehensive News) The Parlacen (Parlacen) voted on Monday, local time, and canceled Taiwan's status as a resident observer for more than 20 years, and was replaced by mainland China.The Taiwan government protested and announced the withdrawal from the Central America Parliament.

Comprehensive Reuters, Agence France -Presse, and Xinhua News Agency reported that the Central American Parliament held a meeting on Monatoshi, Nicaragua, Monatoga, Nicaragua, and approved mainland China as a resident observer.

In response, the Taiwan Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Tuesday (August 22) to strongly protest on the official website, criticizing the Chinese American Parliament forcibly through the case of "Taiwan -Nana" proposed by the Nicaragua Party, and announced that it is to safeguard the "national sovereignty and dignity and dignity.", Decided to officially withdraw from the parliament from now.

Taiwan Foreign Ministry also stated that for the dictatorship of Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega, he was died as a former Chinese horse.Seizing the rights and interests of Taiwan in the Central American Parliament seriously hurt the cooperation and friendship between the people of Taiwan and the Chinese and American people over the years, highlighting the ambitions of destroying China and America's democracy and expanding regional expansion.

Xu Dong, a spokesman for the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress of China, said on Tuesday that the Central America Parliament passed the two motion of the two motion for the cancellation of the resident observers of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan and accepted the Chinese National People's Congress as the Parliament Observer.The correct choice of trend.China expressed high appreciation.

Xu Dong pointed out that the Cairo Declaration, the Potsdam Announcement, and the UN General Assembly No. 2758 all clarified China's sovereignty over Taiwan.In addition to being part of China, Taiwan has no other international law status, and has no right to join international organizations that can only be added with sovereign countries.

The Central American Parliament is a political institution in six countries in China.At present, only Guatemala has maintained diplomatic relations with Taiwan. The other five countries (Nicaragua, Salvador, Honduras, Panama, and Dominica) have been broken off with Taiwan. Beijing has expanded its influence in Central America.