The Chinese American Parliament voted decided to expel Taiwan for more than 20 years as a permanent observer, and was replaced by mainland China.

According to Reuters, the Central American Parcel (Parlacen) held a meeting on Monatoshi, Nicaragua, Monda, and proposed to join the mainland to it.

China CCTV reported on Tuesday (August 22) that the Central American Parliament announced through an official social media account that the Central American Parliament has approved the mainland to become the permanent observer of the agency.

In this regard, the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on the official website on Tuesday stating that the Central American Parliament forcibly passed the "Taiwan -Nana" case proposed by the Nicaragua Party.Formally withdrawn from the parliament.

The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the dictatorship of Daniel Ortega, who was willing to be died in front of the mainland horses.The rights and interests of winning Taiwan in the Central America Parliament have seriously harmed the cooperation and friendship between the people of Taiwan and the Chinese and American people over the years, highlighting the ambitions of the mainland's intentions to destroy the democracy in China and the expansion in the region.

The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs also said, "Republic of China (Taiwan) is a country with sovereignty and independence, and does not belong to the People's Republic of China. This is the fact that it is the status quo."Regarding the continuous space for Taiwan's international participation in various means, in an attempt to openly intervene in the process of democratic elections in Taiwan, not only cannot obtain the recognition of the international community, but also more firm Taiwan's determination to actively develop international space.

According to Reuters, with the member state of the Central American Parliament, Nicaragua, Salvador, Honduras, Panama, and Dominica have broken diplomatic relations with Taiwan in recent years, Beijing has expanded its influence in Central America.

Guatemala is the country with the most population in China and the only member of the Central American Parliament that still acknowledge Taiwan.