When the Kuomintang presidential candidate in Taiwan, Hou Youyi visited the Golden Gate, he called on both sides of the strait to negotiate with the dignity of peer dignity, restart the hotline of cross -strait affairs, and reduce the risk of conflict between the Taiwan Strait.

Comprehensive reports from the Taiwan China Times reported that on the eve of the 65th anniversary of the "823" artillery battle, Hou Youyi arrived early on Tuesday (August 22) to reach Golden Gate early.In addition, he also published a political opinion on the future development of Kinmen County.Chen Yuzhen, Chen Xuesheng, Chen Xuezheng, former Golden Gate County Mayor Yang Zhenzhen, New Taipei City legislators Lin Jinjie, Hong Jiajun and others attended the scene.

Hou Youyi said that when the big, small Jinmen, the big and second bile island were attacked by tens of thousands of shells.Instead of changing the situation on the two sides of the strait, it is necessary to let the Golden Gate must be a place to compete from the previous soldiers.

Hou Youyi said that he will plan Golden Gate to be a unique area that can solve the need for people's livelihood, promote the development of cross -strait economic and trade, attract Southeast Asian overseas Chinese return investment and development of warfare.He said that the geographical location of Kinmen is special and has a key position in the development of cross -strait development. Therefore, it is necessary to build Jinmen's stability and economy, so that there is no war between the two sides of the strait, and the construction of Golden Gate has become a demonstration zone on cross -strait economic and trade.

Hou Youyi listed the six major needs of Golden Gate, including: people's livelihood demand for power -powered ventilation; construction of Kinmen as a cross -strait passenger cargo (abortion, logistics) hub; building Kinmen Shadow Cultural City, developing battlefield tourism 2.0; opening up the cross -strait medical zone; Jinxia Bridge referendum; linking the mainland and Southeast Asian people to improve the soft power of Golden Gate and become a "overseas Chinese" headbuilding for the Southeast Asian market.

Hou Youyi promised everyone present, "2024 is developing peacefully, and the Republic of China will start again."He said that he will adhere to the "1992 consensus that coincides with the Constitution of the Republic of China" and negotiate with the dignity of peer -to -equal dignity.

He shouted that if he was elected president, the Taiwan Strait would be stable, Golden Gate will develop, Taiwan will be safe, and the people will be at ease.

Guo Taiming also issued Golden Gate Peace initiatives at the "mainstream public opinion alliance" at Golden Gate at noon on Tuesday at noon on Tuesday at noon, promising to invest 20 million US dollars (about S $ 27.112 million)The implementation of the eight major matters such as the establishment of cross -strait peace consultation offices and establishing the Cross -Strait Peace Strategy Research Institute is considered to be separated from Hou Youyi.

In response, Hou Youyi emphasized in an interview that under the premise of the stability of the Taiwan Strait, as long as he supports the development of Kinmen, he supports it because Kinmen really needs to invest.