Regarding the issue of the integration of the Taiwan election in the wild force, the former legislator Cai Qiru said that Ke Wenzhe should be the "common master" and unite all the power that can be united.

According to the Liberty Times, there are rumors that the Kuomintang chairman Zhu Lilun and the party's chairman Ke Wenzhe talked intensively.During the splashing water festival, it was not clear whether the two talked or talked about what they talked about.

For the "blue and white" rumors of the outside world, Cai Qiru believes that the cooperation between the two parties has actual difficulties, and the Kuomintang is so chaotic now that it is probably not suitable for cooperation.

Cai Qiru also said that only when talking about "blue and white" is too restrained, it is necessary to unite all the power that can be united. She believes that the "common master" should be fooled by Ke Wenzhe.

What are the specific methods of Ke Wenzhe to unite in the wild power? Cai Qiru said that the strategy of the people's party in 2024 is "united all united forces to complete the party's rotation", and the tactical part is that Ke Wenzhe went to Taiwan to go to Taiwan to go to Taiwan.Aid, including party -free people and the Kuomintang "very anxious chicks", as long as they are the same ideas, they can help the election.