(Beijing / Taipei Comprehensive News) After the meeting with McCarthy, the Speaker of the House of Representatives in Taiwan, Mainland China official Friday (April 7) issued a series of countermeasures to the United States and Taiwan.Sanctions and restrictions on the Hudson Institute and Reagan Library exchanged with the Mainland, as well as disciplinary measures for the Vision Foundation and the Asian Liberty Democratic Alliance.

Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency and United News Network reported that a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of China on Friday authorized that the "Taiwan independence stubborn stubborn" Xiao Meiqin was further sanctioned.Lord -related enterprises cooperate with mainland organizations and personal cooperation, and take all other necessary punishment measures to hold accountable for life according to law.

This is the second time Xiao Meiqin has been sanctioned by the mainland.After visiting Taiwan in August last year, after visiting Taiwan, Peelsi, in Beijing, Beijing included seven people including Xiao Meiqin in the list of "Taiwan Independence Stubborn" and adopted punishment measures.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland China also announced on Friday that punishment measures for the Vision Foundation and the Asian Liberal Democratic Alliance are prohibited from entering the mainland and Hong Kong and Macau, and the relevant mainland organizations and individuals cooperate with them.

Spokesperson Zhu Fenglian said that under the official instructions of the DPP, the two institutions, under the pretext of democracy, freedom, and cooperation, and under the banner of academic exchanges and discussions, they sold their "Taiwan independence" claims internationally and strived to attract to attractAnti -China forces, creating "one middle and one" and "two China" and other incidents that violate a Chinese principle to expand the so -called "international space" in Taiwan.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on the official website on Friday that countermeasures for the Hudson Institute and the Reagan Library, strictly restricting universities, institutions and individuals in the mainland, conducting relevant transactions, exchanges, and exchanges with the two institutions, as well asCooperation and other activities.

In addition, the four leaders of the two institutions sanctions on sanctions include the measures include the frozen real estate, real estate and other types of property frozen in China.It is not allowed to issue a visa and not allowed to enter the country.

The MAC expresses solemn protest and dissatisfaction

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China said that the two institutions provided platforms and convenience for Cai Yingwen to engage in Taiwan independence division activities in the United States, seriously violating one China Principles and the three joint communiqués of China and the United States, which seriously damaged China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

After Beijing announced a series of sanctions measures, the Taiwan MAC responded on Friday that the move intended to scare and create a cold -cicada effect, severely damaged cross -strait relations.Continental work is.

Xiao Meiqin responded in English on his personal Twitter: "Wow, the People's Republic of China sanctions me again, the second time."

Tsai Ing -wen launched a 10 -day foreign visit on March 29. The journey and return trips transit the United States New York and Los Angeles, respectively, and met McCarthy in the Reagan Library in Los Angeles on April 5 local time.This is the highest level of Taiwan leaders in the United States since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States in 1979.

During the visit of Cai Yingwen, mainland China has launched a three -day joint patrol inspection of the northern part of the Taiwan Strait in Mainland China on Wednesday (5th). Maritime law enforcement officers have conducted on -site inspections on cross -strait direct cargo ships and small three -way passenger cargo ships.In this regard, Cai Yingwen told the media before returning to Taiwan on the 7th that the Taiwan Guoan team paid close attention to the situation during her visit. Everything to do must ensure that maritime ships can only sail safely.