Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou on Thursday (April 6) and discussed with mainland Taiwanese businessmen, Taiwan Youth and Taiwan compatriots, encouraged Taiwanese businessmen to continue their efforts to create more brilliant achievements on the mainland.Taiwanese businessmen said that Ma Ying -jeou has the historical significance of "ice breaking".

According to the Taiwan United Daily report, Ma Ying -jeou went to Shanghai Peace Hotel on Thursday, and Li Zhenghong, president of the Taiwan Enterprise Federation of the Mainland, led a team to welcome the team.This is the only time Ma Ying -jeou's visit to the land of the land to talk to the Taiwanese businessmen and Taiwan youth compatriots who live in the local area.

Wu Jiaying, former president of the Xiamen Taiwan Association, said in a discussion that under the current tension of cross -strait relations, Ma Ying -jeou's trip undoubtedly had the historical significance of "ice break".The place where Ma Ying -jeou arrived, and the trend was widely concerned. From this, it can be seen that the recovery of cross -strait relations is what the people on both sides of the strait are wondering.

Wu Jiaying said that as a Taiwanese businessman who has been developing on the mainland for more than 20 years, he truly realized that the "1992 Consensus" is the Dinghai God needle of cross -strait relations.Essence

In addition, a number of Taiwanese businessmen have said that firmly adhere to the "1992 Consensus" and oppose "Taiwan independence". Based on this, the peaceful development of cross -strait relations is promoted., Create a good future of the Chinese nation's rejuvenation.

Ma Ying -jeou had a good guys with Taiwanese businessmen during the discussion. Thanks to Taiwanese businessmen for their contributions to Taiwan's economy and cross -strait economy and society, and encouraged Taiwanese businessmen to make persistent efforts to work hard on the mainland and create more brilliant achievements.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Song Tao, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China, traveled to Ma Ying -jeou in Shanghai on Thursday night.Song Tao said that Ma Ying -jeou has positive significance for promoting communication between cross -strait compatriots and promoting the peaceful development of cross -strait relations.It is hoped that compatriots on both sides of the strait will communicate more and often, and the mainland will create conditions and provide convenience for this.

Song Tao also said that compatriots on both sides of the strait are Chinese. We must adhere to a Chinese principle and "1992 consensus".Outsiders intervene. "

Ma Ying -jeou is expected to return to Taiwan at 11:20 am on Friday (April 7). It is expected that Chen Yuanfeng, deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland China State Council, Zhang Weicheng, member of the Standing Committee and Secretary -General of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee.

According to Xinhuanet, Ma Ying -jeou ended his trip on the mainland on Friday and returned from Shanghai to Taiwan at noon.The relevant heads of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the relevant person in charge of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee went to the airport.

Ma Ying -jeou led the group to Shanghai last Monday (March 27) and went to Nanjing to start the first trip to the mainland.During the mainland, Ma Ying -jeou worshiped the Zhongshan Mausoleum in Nanjing and visited the Memorial Hall of the November Massacre of the Nanjing Massacre of the Japanese invaders.Go to Wuhan University, Hunan University, and Fudan University to exchange discussions with mainland students.