Two Pan -Democratic district members of Hong Kong claimed that they filed a application for entering Taiwan, but they were not approved after waiting for about a month.

According to the Hong Kong Ming Pao report on Friday (April 7), one of the unnamed members told Ming Pao that he booked a ticket in February and planned to travel to Taiwan, but he could not apply for "online signing".Temporary stay licenses have not explained in Taiwan.

The member also went to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office of Hong Kong to apply for a Taiwan -enrollment system through the online application system commonly known as the "cloud application".Taiwan has asked his work content, and asked him to submit a work certificate, as well as a trip in Taiwan.

According to information on the official website of the Taiwan MAC and the Immigration Department, the number of applications for cloud applications is five working days, but this member has not been approved for nearly a month.Although it has not been officially rejected so far, he believes that it will be difficult to go to Taiwan and speculate that the application for application for the Taiwan Council is blocked.Hong Kong district councilors must swore to support the Basic Law and be loyal to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.

However, Di Zhiyuan, a member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, said that before the nine -in -one election last year, he went to Taiwan to watch the selection with party members.Details of work and itinerary.

Regarding the successful entry of members of the Legislative Council, the district councilor who has not been approved has questioned that there is no equality in Taiwan, and he is helpless.Approval results.

Another Pan -Democratic District Councilor who has not obtained the entry permit, originally scheduled to travel to Taiwan with his family in January.When he applied for an online signing, he was reported to be rejected due to his career relationship.The parliamentarian has not received a reply afterwards. In the end, only his family traveled to Taiwan. He stayed in Hong Kong alone.

The parliamentarian received an email notice from Taiwan after nearly a month, and learned that the date of his plan to go to Taiwan had passed, and he could submit an application for the return of the certificate.The parliament also said that in the past, it was strange that he had been hindered to applying to Taiwan this time, but he understood that Taiwan had their considerations and was more careful when approved the application of public officials.

The Taiwan MAC said in an inquiry in the response that promoting the healthy and orderly exchanges between Taiwan and Hong Kong, and maintaining Guoan's consistent position in Taiwan.Handling Hong Kong and Macau residents to apply to Taiwan.