The CEO of the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation, Xiao Xuzen, pointed out that Taiwan Cai Yingwen denied the Constitution's principle and publicly advocated the "theory of the two countries."

According to the information released by Ma Ying -jeou's office, Xiao Xucan believes that the former President Ma Ying -jeou made his greatest effort in the people and strived to promote the peace on both sides of the strait.He said that Taiwan has now faced the crossroads of war and peace, and criticized Cai Yingwen's irresponsibility to sacrifice Taiwan's interests for personal political interests and sacrifice the safety of Taiwanese people. In 2024, it must be removed from the DPP.

Xiao Xuzen also refers to Tsai Ing -wen on the one hand, condoning the Politics of the MAC against Ma Ying -jeou's political attack, on the other hand, he also stated that the "two countries theory" of the MAC, violated the Constitution, and humiliated the presidential position.

For Tsai Ing -wen's visit, Xiao Xucen believes that the people of Taiwan are more concerned about whether this trip has a substantial benefit to Taiwan and whether it can truly protect the safety and well -being of the people in Taiwan.He also believes that Taiwan must maintain a balanced relationship with the United States and mainland China.