

Blue, green, yellow and red

Taiwan's spring this year is a bit different, and the air -conditioning group has come much.In the past two weeks, the temperature in Taipei is sometimes cold to 14 degrees Celsius, and sometimes it is hot to 31 degrees Celsius. The temperature difference between day and night is often up to 10 degrees Celsius.

I still look forward to April of the world with a tree flowing.Taking advantage of the good weather on Children's Day (April 4th) in Taiwan, riding a shared bicycle to the Daan Forest Park to enjoy the blooming rhododendrons, and also go to Taiwan University and Zhongxiao East Road to see the flame -like kapok.

Da'an Forest Park, known as the urban green lungs, saw a lot of flowers, and saw a lot of flower viewers, and felt that the epidemic recovered the real life of the back Taipei citizens.I saw that each tree was busy.Rhododendrons, kapok, flowing flowers, bitter flowers and tung flowers have bloomed, and the cherry blossoms from February to April are also swaying in the wind.

The citizens traveling in the garden are traveling very well.Many parent -child camping with a tent in the lawn, the mother and child are sitting in the park's wooden chairs, and the three or five relatives and friends will have a picnic; some people play the guitar sang folk songs, some people walking dogs and turtles; and a group of photography enthusiasts "The cannon "camera, waiting for Taiwan's unique five -colored birds to fly into the forest.

In Hexi Chunfeng at 22 degrees Celsius, even my passenger feels a little luck to live in Taipei.Tomorrow and the future are too far away. Can you travel with relatives and friends in such a spring day and talk about flowers. Life geometry?

But the warm spring seems a bit short. After several days of rain, it will soon enter the Mayday of the hot summer.According to the experience of over the past two years, it seems to be long in summer. It has been hot until the end of September before entering the cold and cold autumn and winter seasons.

In the past few days, watching the two presidents Ma Ying -jeou and Tsai Ing -wen, before and after Taiwan, I feel that the current atmosphere of cross -strait relations and Taiwan -American relations seems to be warm and cold.

Ma Ying -jeou's visit to mainland China and Tsai Ing -wen's transit in the United States all ended and returned to Taiwan on Friday (April 7).Objectively evaluating, Ma Ying -jeou's Helu route and Cai Yingwen's pro -American line have indeed been substantially improved and breakthrough.

Kiss Meimei and Lu are important to Taiwan. The problem is that the two routes are difficult to balance within Taiwan. They are understood as a double -English duel, not Shuangying complementary.The ruling Democratic Progressive Party is deemed to carry the Banner of the United States, and the Kuomintang of the wild was labeled in the suspected beauty.

Since the interruption of Taimei in 1979, the non -official exchanges have indeed become more warm in recent years.Both parties in the United States are now unanimously standing, emphasizing the discourse of "democratic countermeasures", and through the endless stream of members to visit Taiwan, it has repeatedly improved parliamentary diplomacy and think tank diplomacy.However, the climate of the environment has changed, and Taiwan -US relations are also facing the "air -conditioning group" at the same time.The United States clearly hopes to restart communication and cooperation between China and the United States and does not want to stimulate Beijing. Both the White House or the administrative department have low -key Tsai Ing -wen's transit.

Beijing has not showed weaknesses at all, and multiple official departments and official media splash cold water on US -Taiwan relations.In addition to conducting tough politics, the law enforcement of law enforcement in the Taiwan Strait has also made a substantial breakthrough, and it has also released its military posture that does not show weakness nor a war.

As for Ma Ying -jeou showed a warm and warm man in the visit of land, and announced the "Republic of China" and demonstration of "One Middle School" and welcomed the people."Innonal air ball".

First of all, the Kuomintang's presidential candidate is still difficult to give birth. Do you dare to accept the "1992 Consensus" route that Ma Ying -jeou has less than 10 % of the public opinion?

In addition, the high -level mainland's senior management will receive Ma Ying -jeou this time, and will not be unified in the mouth, and it is expected that the cross -strait reunion is expected.Will it be beaten as a passerby of the Communist Party of China? Can the presidential election campaign be selected in 2024?If independence will lead to war and maintain the status quo cannot continue forever, how can Taiwanese fear and rejection?

Cross -strait folk exchanges have not been melted. It is said that after the end of the university semester in June this year, the number of people in Taiwan is zero.After the global epidemic recovers, free travel or group tourism on both sides of the strait did not release.As an outsider, I found that many Taiwanese interviewees and friends were helpless about the environment and were relatively cold about politics.They are more concerned about the problem of young people who can't afford a house and the elderly living in the old -fashioned buildings. Why has the rotation of political parties in the past 23 years still three rounds, and it still has no substantial improvement?They are also worried that once the two sides of the Taiwan Strait starts the war, what should I do with the current lifestyle and the future of children?

The Taiwanese people who enjoy flowers in the park and every Taiwanese I know love life and make people feel warm. Can they face the cold wind in the environment, can they only choose to grasp Xiao Guixing?Intersection

Blue and green fights, tensions on both sides of the strait, Sino -US confrontation, can not see the end in the short term. Many Taiwanese are wondering. Every day, I watch political plans and politicians every day.Why is it unable to turn into a action to improve the problem?

Facing the cross -strait relations of Chang Nuan and the cold, when the relationship between Taiwan and the United States and China and the United States, when can Taiwan's political leaders surpass the competition of political parties, condense consensus to determine the cross -strait route, and at the same time establish mutual trust with the strong between China and the United States, so that the people of Treasure Island are the people.Welcome to the peaceful and stable days of spring flowers?