The chairman of the US House of Representatives of the United States House of Representatives in Taiwan, McCord, believes that the United States does not have to be blurred in military support for military support, and the United States must also accelerate the delivery of weapons to Taiwan.

Michael Mccaul (April 6) said in the Taiwan China Times in Taipei that no one hopes that Taiwan will become a battlefield like Ukraine, and says the hard work of the United States has made the efforts that the United States has madeIt is to allow Taiwan to scare the military invasion of Mainland China.

He believes that the United States must accelerate the delivery of weapons to Taiwan. If the United States does not have time to produce, it will coordinate allies to provide priority to Taiwan.

McCell led seven cross -party members to visit Taiwan on Thursday. The time point was roughly similar to Taiwan Cai Yingwen and the president of the US House of Representatives McCarthy.McCell said that this is a coincidence.McCell and others also met with Taiwan Vice President Lai Qingde and relevant officials of defense on Thursday afternoon.