President Ma Ying -jeou and Tsai Ing -wen before and after Taiwan were returning from mainland China and the United States from mainland China and the United States on Friday (April 7). The two people have different views on cross -strait relations. The two sides have been discussed in the air, and the subsequent effects have gradually fermented.

When Ma Ying -jeou returned to Taoyuan Airport on Friday, Ma Ying -jeou said that the most important thing about the mainland trip was "the 1992 consensus came again", adhered to the "1992 consensus", seeking same differences in the same way, respecting each other, and a common foundation with the mainland.Resumption of communication and dialogue as soon as possible is the most in line with the interests of the people in Taiwan.

Ma Ying -jeou said at Hunan University on April 2 that regardless of Taiwan or the mainland, it belongs to "one China" in the Constitution of the Republic of China.Tsai Ing -wen said in the evening with the reporter of the group on Thursday (6th) in the West time, and said it was not for granted that it was the discussion of the 1970s. At present, "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China are not affiliated with each other."

Ma Ying -jeou went to the mainland to worship his ancestors from March 27 to visit important historical relics of the Kuomintang in Nanjing, Wuhan, Changsha, Chongqing, and Shanghai, emphasizing that there is a "1992 consensus", and the two sides of the strait can develop peacefully.

He said in his lectures at Hunan University: "Our country has two parts, one is Taiwan, the other is the mainland region.There are also "Taiwan is an inseparable part of China."Ma Ying -jeou's remarks made the Kuomintang supporters morale, thinking that he personally practiced the "1992 Consensus, One Middle School", and brightened the signboard of the "Republic of China" again.Beijing also showed the courtesy of showing the national identity, emphasizing "good discussions at home."

Tsai Ing -wen said that in 2023, Ma Ying -jeou's expression was discourse in the 1970s. This lecture was different from the current environment.She emphasized that the fact that is very clear now is that "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China do not belong to each other."

Refers to Cai Yingwen bringing Taiwan into the danger of Xiao Xucen: No longer appropriate to be president

Ma Ying -jeou Foundation CEO Xiao Xu Cen sent a press release in response that the Constitution and Constitution of the Republic of China were implemented in 2023.Bringing to danger, he is no longer suitable for the president of the "Republic of China".

When Ma Ying -jeou returned from Shanghai to Taoyuan Airport on Friday, he mentioned that he was very worried about the current situation, saying that the governor continued to bring Taiwan into danger. The future is a choice of peace and war.There is a true peace and security future.

Chen Jianren, president of the Executive Dean, stated in the Legislative Yuan earlier that Taiwan was originally a country with sovereignty and independence."" ".

DPP approves Ma Ying -jeou to cooperate with the CCP performance

The Democratic Progressive Party also accused Ma Ying -jeou of cooperating with the CCP's performance."The 1992 Consensus is back".

When Ma Ying -jeou returned to Taiwan, Xia Liyan, Vice Chairman of the Kuomintang, and legislator Fei Hongtai and others held the "Qingtian and Day Banner" and flowers to Taoyuan Airport to pick up the plane.Essence

The independent group "Taiwan State" and the Kidjin Party set up in the area set by the airport aviation police, holding "Taiwan does not welcome the Chinese Trojan's entry" and other cloths, shouting "the Kuomintang will not fall, Taiwan will not guarantee"Protecting the slogan.