In the United States and other places, holding mainland China should not ask questions about Taiwan, a "democratic island" to expand sovereignty, and a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that in the name of democracy to support Taiwan's independence division forces and engage in the Taiwan systemHua's approach is very dangerous and cannot succeed.

At the routine press conference of Mao Ning, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China on Friday (April 7), in responseThe problem of integrity with territoriality. "

She emphasized that Taiwan is an inseparable part of China's territory. China's sovereignty and territorial integrity have never been divided, and division is never allowed.

Mao Ning said that some countries speculate on the false narrative of democracy against authoritarian power, and in the name of democracy to support the "Taiwan independence" split power and engage in Taiwan to China. This approach is very dangerous and cannot succeed.

Mao Ning pointed out that the future of Taiwan lies in the unity of the motherland. The differences between the cross -strait system are not unified obstacles, nor is it an excuse for division."Peace reunification,‘ one country, two systems ’, fully considering Taiwan’ s reality, which is conducive to the long -term security of Taiwan ’s long -term stability after unification. It is the basic policy for our solution to Taiwan’ s problems and the best way to realize national unity. "