In response to a question that McCarthy, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, was disappointed in Taiwan, the Taiwan Legislative Dean You Xizhen responded that he believed that McCarthy's visit to Taiwan was only a matter of time.

Comprehensive Taiwan media reported that the Taiwan Legislative Dean and the chairman of the US House of Representatives McCell, the chairman of the US House of Representatives, attended the press conference on Friday (April 7) to make the above statements.

You Xizheng said that he invited him to visit Taiwan before McCarthy became the Speaker of the House of Representatives. He believed that McCarthy was a person who kept his promise and said that he would come, but it was a matter of time.He also used this to persuade the mainland to respond to Taiwan's transit in Tsai Ing -wen in the United States and McCarthy, so that Taiwan's international visibility is higher, which is equivalent to helping Taiwan.

You Xizheng said that in the oriental political philosophy, there is a way to adapt to nature. It can do nothing but do nothing. This time the mainland violates the way of nature and make things clever.The media exposure is only once.

McCell said at a press conference that he was looking forward to dining with Taiwan Cai Yingwen on Saturday (8th).He said that he met with Taiwan semiconductors, aerospace and other people in Taiwan during the meal on Friday to see many Taiwanese companies enter the United States.Taiwan -US economic and trade relations are critical, and they also hope to promote the signing of free trade agreements (FTA) with Taiwan as soon as possible.

For whether the bill will be promoted in the United States to strengthen the military sales of Taiwan, McCur said, first, the priority order of re -arranging weapon delivery, hoping to deliver weapons to Taiwan as soon as possible, because Taiwan is really now true nowIt is in a very high -risk and high threat.Second, seeking for third -party military sales, I hope that these weapons can be delivered in different ways. "But this requires the consent of the administrative department. If the administrative department agrees, it may be performed."