Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou Friday (April 7) returned to Taoyuan Airport from Shanghai.He said that the most important point of this trip is that the media commented that "the 1992 consensus came again". He proved with actual actions, adhered to the "1992 consensus", seemed to be commonly survived, and respected each other.The common political foundation can restore communication and dialogue as soon as possible, so that it is most in line with the interests of the people in Taiwan.

He emphasized that he was worried about the current situation. The governors continued to bring Taiwan into the danger. The future is the choice of peace and war.s future.

Xia Liyan, vice chairman of the Kuomintang, and Fisheries of legislators Fei Hongtai, Wan Meiling and others, all took the "Qingtian and White Skin Banner" to Taoyuan Airport to pick up the plane.The people at the scene also shouted "Long live the Republic of China!", "President Ma is hard!", "Ma Ying -jeou 2024 President".>