Image source, PLA Weibo

China officially confirmed a rare intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test in the international waters this week, which caused many neighboring protests.The intercontinental missile launch on Wednesday (September 25) is the first time in more than 40 years. China claims that the action is a "routine arrangement" and is not aimed at any country or goal.

The official media also reported and issued a notice to the "related countries".However, Japan said it had not received any warnings and expressed concerns with Australia and New Zealand (New Zealand).

Some analysts said that the launch has exacerbated the tension in the Indo -Pacific region because it highlights China's increasingly strengthened long -range nuclear capacity.

The United States warned last year that China has expanded its nuclear arsenal as part of the defense upgrade.The range of intercontinental ballistic missiles can exceed 5,500 kilometers, allowing China's strike to cover the United States and Hawaii.

However, it is estimated that the scale of China's nuclear arsenal is still less than one -fifth of the United States and Russia, and China has long claimed that maintaining nuclear weapons for a long time is only for deterrence.

It was announced on Wednesday that a long -range missile was launched at 08:44 am local time at 08:44 am (Standard time of Greenwich 04:44).This missile is equipped with a fake warhead and landed in the designated area -it is believed to be located in the South Pacific.

Chinese Ministry of National Defense added that this test shooting is a "routine arrangement" and belongs to its "annual training".

However, analysts pointed out to the British media that the last time China tested intercontinental ballistic missiles outside the territory in the 1980s.In the past, China usually conducted internal testing, and had previously launched intercontinental ballistic missiles to the Taklama Gaman Desert in Xinjiang.

"This type of test is not uncommon for other countries, including the United States, but it is very special for China," ANKIT PANDA, a nuclear -guided player Ankit Panda.

Panda analyzed that China's "continuous nuclear modernization" has led to major changes, and this launch seems to show its strategic changes.As a result, yesterday's missile test firing immediately triggered many countries' reactions.

Tokyo stated that he did not receive any notice and expressed "serious concerns" to Beijing's military expansion.At the same time, Australia said that this operation was "unstable, increasing the risk of misjudgment in the region", and has sought "explanation" from China.New Zealand says this is a "unpretentious and worrying development."

Panda believes that he does not agree that China's actions are mainly to send political information. "But there is no doubt that this will constitute a clear warning of the region and the United States, because Asia's nuclear dynamics is rapidly changing."

Other analysts further pointed out that this is another alarm for the United States and its allies in the region.

"For Washington, the message is that if you directly intervene in the conflict of the Taiwan Strait, it will expose the United States to the attack."-Eric Easley) emphasized to British media.

He also said that for the United States' allies in Asia, "this provocative test ... shows the ability to fight in multiple fronts at the same time,"

Drew Thompson, a senior researcher at the Singapore School of Research (S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies), wrote on the social platform "X": "Time is the key."

He explained: "(China) This statement states that the launch is not targeted at any country, but the tension between China and Japan and the Philippines, as well as lasting tension with Taiwan, are obvious."

Although the relationship between Beijing and Washington has improved in the past year, China is still increasingly tough among regions.With the repeated collisions between the two China and the Philippines in the disputed waters, the tension is also increasing.

In addition, last month, Tokyo urgently dispatched a fighter after accusing a Chinese spy aircraft invading its airspace, saying that the move was "completely unacceptable."

In addition, the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense said earlier on Wednesday that China has recently carried out "dense" missile launch and other exercises.The statement mentioned that Taiwan has detected 23 Chinese military aircraft to perform "remote tasks" around Taiwan.

The Chinese People's Liberation Army often dispatches ships and aircraft to Taiwan's waters and airspace.

In July of this year, China suspended negotiations with Washington's nuclear military control due to the continued sales of Taiwan's military sales.The United States warned in 2023 that China ’s nuclear weapons were modernized, although the number of China was far lower than the nuclear arsenal of Washington.

Pentagon is estimated that China has more than 500 operating nuclear warheads, of which about 350 are intercontinental ballistic missiles.

The report predicts that by 2030, the number of nuclear warheads in China will exceed 1,000; while the United States and Russia have expressed their own more than 5,000 nuclear warheads.

In addition, the Chinese military's Rocket Army, this elite unit that manages its nuclear arsenal, has recently occurred in some conflicts.

Analysis: Reduce misjudgment or sword refers to the United States?

Although Tokyo and Canberra, etc., have been expressed in the missile test of this missile in advance, and they are concerned about Beijing's move.However, a spokesman for the US Department of Defense later confirmed that China actually notified the United States before testing.

Sabrina Singh, deputy spokesperson for the US Department of Defense, said at a press conference on Wednesday, Eastern Time: "This is a correct step in reducing misunderstanding and misjudgment risks."

But the US Department of Defense also also stated that it is expected that China will set up a more standardized bilateral notification mechanism for launch operations such as ballistic missiles and space rockets.

Singh said: "We will continue to promote a substantial bilateral dialogue with China on the issue of nuclear weapons expansion, and began to take measures to respond to the risk of China's nuclear weapons."

However, Assistant Professor Lin Yingyou, an assistant professor of Chinese military experts and the Institute of International Affairs and Strategy at Tamkang University in Taiwan, said that the PLA's launching missiles had the meaning of giving the United States to the United States.

He mentioned that in the context of the "Eleventh" National Day in China, and the possibilities of the "Xi -Malaysia Meeting", Zhongnanhai's maximum range of the test can cover the US local Dongfeng 31 A renovation (AG) intercontinental intercontinentalThe ballistic missile, Zhongnanhai actually has a strategic consideration to "muscle" in the United States.

Lin Yingyou pointed out: "The Chinese Communist Party also hopes to counterattack the various questions and rumors of the Rocket Army in recent years through this move to show the strength of the Rocket Army."

Alexander Neill, a researcher at the American Hawaii Forum Think Tank, told Reuters that considering that the Chinese Rockets have recently conducted major anti -corruption, they should also want to use this "China's strategic deterrence method can still be still possiblePlay.