Singapore, Malaysia, Sabah, and Sarawak formed Malaysia in 1963, hoping to establish a country with more economical, more ethnic diversion and wider regions.However, the next year, severe racial riots in Singapore, coupled with various conflicts with Kuala Lumpur, led Singapore to be forced to be independent in 1965.The People's Action Party headed by Lee Kuan Yew advocates "Malaysians' Malaysia", but this concept of equality, fairness, and tolerance is strongly opposed by the UMNO represented by the Peninsula Malays.Colonialization "erodes indigenous passage.Umno, who advocates defending the rights of witch descent, believes that the Malays are the owners of this peninsula, and the Malays' Malaysia is the idea of ​​its identity. Non -Malays, including Chinese and Indians, etc.Foreign.

In 1969, the May 13th incident occurred after the third election of Malaysia, which can be described as the watershed of the Malaysian racial relations.Since then, the elements of "race" have continuously penetrated the horse country. The national policy no longer uses "demand" as the benchmark. Instead, it is a simple and rude dual -point method.Become an element like this country on Jianguo Road.

The Iranian revolution after 10 years adds a new element to Malaysia: Islam (Islam).

What is Islamization?In history, Muslimalization usually refers to a process of a community or the entire society gradually shifting to the faith of Islam.This means that in the process, religious beliefs, culture, and customs are gradually affected or replaced by the principles of Islam.In the contemporary context, the word refers to more for some Muslimists to try to enforce their social and political system to comply with the laws and norms of Muslim.This approach often involves the principle of applying Islam to all aspects of society, including law, politics and culture.

In the context of Malaysia, Prime Minister Anwar is the best interpretation of "Muslimists" in the above definition.The Malaysia was influenced by the Iranian revolution, and extreme conservativeism gradually looked up, and the Islamic Party continued to grow.The "AMANAT HADI", which has established the Iraqi Party so far, has recently been born in recent times. The labeling Umno is actually a "pagan" that is actually "not halal", because the latter not only follows the colonial British constitutionAnd the legal system, even politically adopted a modern democratic politics system, rather than the political system of the Muslim country, attracting more and more Masters of Matsenia to join the ranks of supporting Muslims.

In 1982, Anwar joined Umno with the title of Muslim Messenger Youth Movement leader, becoming a good card in the hands of the then Prime Minister Mahathir to compete with the Iraqi Party "Who is more Islamic".The establishment of the Muslim Bank, the integration of religious courses into school courses, and the establishment of the Muslim Development Bureau are the "great achievements" of Anwar after joining the Mahathir government.At the same time, the UMNO's regime is not only more and more stable, but Anwar has also been in a flat cloud in the party. In just 11 years, from the obscure government members of the Parliament of the Government, it is promoted to deputy prime minister, becoming Mahathir's left and right hands, as well asThe originator of Memoriusianshi.

In 2022, the Iraqi Party swept the House of Commons of Malaysia with the gangsters and won 43 national conference seats to become the largest party in Malaysia.Fortunately, the Pakatan Harapan successfully met the source in this political game and formed a united government with other political alliances to prevent the Iraqi party from entering Putram.

However, does this mean that Malaysian Islamation process has stagnated?After the Pakatan Harapan became the government, is Malaysia even more enlightened?After Anwar became the Prime Minister, did the Malaysian Reform Aesthetic began?

Obviously, in the past two years in Anwar, the answers to the above questions are regrettable "no". Instead, Malaysia not only did not become more enlightened, but instead bravely moved forward on the road of conservativeization and intensified.

Earlier, the head of the Wuqing regiment Akma constantly speculated that the socks printed with Allah Eye's socks, calling for the Muslims Cup Ge KK Convenience Store, played with races and religious emotions, and tried to obtain cheap political capital, but to tear up the horse in a rowNational society has caused the knot of Muslim and non -Muslims to deepen.

Recently, Mohadna, the Minister of Malaysia (Religious Affairs), suggested that the government has enforced restaurants and food companies that do not provide pork or alcohol to implement halal certification in the form of legislation.

Guo Suqin, a member of the Congress of the People's Republic of China Shubu Du Du District, has strong opposition to the concept of economic freedom with three major reasons (that is, aggravate the burden of corporate burden, damage consumers to choose freedom, and violate the spirit of multiple culture.However, it was strongly attacked by conservatives, and was even filed for investigation to become an international laughing stock.What's more, for this reason, she criticized her not to stand opposite the Iraqi Party, but Akma, the head of the UMNO youth regiment of her governing alliance.However, Anwar, as the co -owner of the Pakatan Harapan, did not defend his own members, but instead criticized it and co -stream with conservative groups.

More importantly, this is not the first time that Anwar became the Prime Minister, the first defending the Malaysian conservative group, and frequently shouted to the conservative group of Malay, such as incorporating the junior training into the school syllabus, suggesting that the Messeoid Development Bureau sent more to send more moreOfficials enter various government departments to ensure that government governance meets the rules of Muslim, and even attracts the Iraqi Party to join the government.

At the end of the investigation, the entire Malaysian Muslims and Establishment of Muslims that implement the principles and concepts of Islam is the purpose of the Iraqi Party at the beginning of the establishment of the Iraqi Party;Policies, remained silent about this, were stunned with their nose, and they would eat their own fruit for a long time.If the Malaysian unity government continues to move towards the conservative direction, the Iraqi Party based on religiousism only needs to observe its changes and wait for a harvest, and the conservative group will continue to expand. In the future, the Iranian party will not be a dream.

In general, the status quo of the Malaysian Kingdom has run counter to the "Malaysian Malaysia" concept, and race plus religious differences will make Malaysia's tomorrow feel bad.At that time, as a non -Muslim non -indigenous person, the living space may gradually shrink. In terms of racial and national policies, it will not only be excluded, but also will be contempt in religion, making Malaysia gradually turn to a more single society.

The author is a student of Singapore National University