After nearly 30 months of fighting, the situation of the Russia -Ukraine War was under important changes.Ukraine recently assaulted the Russian native Coulsk State of the two countries. Russia has urgently evacuated tens of thousands of residents from the border and announced that it has launched counter -terrorism operations in the three regions of the border.The purpose of counter -terrorism operations is to comprehensively control local activities by the military, including the implementation of communication monitoring.Russia also launched a counterattack at the same time. The actual battle progress of the two sides needs to be issued more information, but the changes that may occur in the situation may have many influences and worthy of attention.

Just not long ago, both Russia and Ukraine released the conditions of peace talks and their respective conditions. At this time, the Bad Army's raid was an obvious intention to use war talks and accumulated more chips for the next negotiations.The background of this strategic idea is that Kiev officially insists on recovering all the idea of ​​losing the land. As the war is protracted, western support has begun to appear different sounds; after obtaining the most advanced F16 fighter aircraft and other weaponsRussia's local tilt in the war is an expected option.If the deadlock continues, if Trump serves as President of the United States a few months later, the situation of Kiev may be involuntarily involuntarily.The F16 fighter aircraft was put into operation, playing a huge role in the Urpicious Army's air excellence, opening up the battlefield in Russia, and helping to save Wei to save Zhao and ease the pressure caused by the Russian troops in other parts of Ukraine.However, Kiev's desired result must effectively consolidate or even expand in the results of Russia to achieve it.

Although the Ukrainian offensive was beyond Moscow's expectations, the Russian army has begun to increase the front line of troops. Whether it can effectively fight back the Ukraine and recapture the land will let the outside world see the current strength of the Russian army.On the other hand, with Russia's inability to regain the Black Sea Fleet in the short term, it is also worth paying attention to whether Ukraine's offensive in the south may regain Crimea.Crimea's dominance is also the bargaining chips between the two parties in the future negotiations.

In this wave of new campaigns, Moscow faced the counterattack and combat strength of the Urco Army and the relationship. Once the Russian army's counterattack was weak or showed the signs of the army's distraction, it was likely to launch the whole body all over the whole body.It may inspire Ukraine to capture more territories under the advantage, and may also control the attitude of western society on war.

The Bayeng government has supported Ukraine for more than two years, but he has always been reluctant to let go of the Ukraine to counterattack the Russian home.Washington changed its position in the middle of this year. The use of Ukraine to use U.S. weapons to counterattack Russia's homeland is mainly to get obvious advantages quickly on the battlefield.Real war offset Trump's myth for a day to solve the war.European countries are willing to accelerate the support of Ukraine's counterattack, and also focus on the variables that may not be conducive to Europe once Trump takes office.

Kiev's combat power suddenly increased significantly. Moscow seemed relatively unfavorable, but for the latter, after all, it was much larger, and the two situations could help Putin's unbeaten temporary.The first is that power continues to stabilize and the army maintains morale; the second is to watch the results of the US election. If Trump is elected, it is expected to be anxious, and it is likely to be more beneficial to Moscow.It is not bad for Moscow, but it is a tragedy for Russia and Ukraine.

If the Ukraine continues to advance to Kurosk, or even expand the results of the war, will it control whether the neighboring Russia's major nuclear power plants, or whether the two armies will turn on fire for nuclear power plants, becoming the focus of international attention.As the two sides continued to increase their troops, the International Atomic Energy Agency continued to warn on Thursday and Friday on Thursday and Friday, requesting the maximum restraint to avoid accidents from nuclear power plants.

Ukraine's latest strategy brings great excitement to the country, but if it cannot be able to make a quick decision or at least consolidate the results, it may once again make supporters discouraged.The support it has achieved so far is more based on the weakest of the invaders, but as one of the poor countries in Europe, Ukraine's combat effectiveness can support how long it can be supported in the face of reality, which is confusing.The Russians still support Putin to fight this battle so far, but the unexpected Ukrainians' resistance to Putin is leading to the continued decline of Russia's national strength, losing their wives and folding soldiers.For Russia and Ukraine, the ending war is more and more likely to end.