The country has reached the journey of the nearly one. It is like the elderly. It enters a relatively mature age and also faces all kinds of changes and arduous challenges.

National Day is like a birthday. There is a festival joy that will become reasonable with age, and there will be no more joyful festivals.The joy will become three -dimensional and rich.

So the joy of National Day comes from all aspects of life and life. Every moment and every day are accepting the achievements of the country to provide Chinese people to live and work, and our overall quality of life.

Joy came from the northern part of this year to the resale group's new residence from the northern part of this year. Li Xianlong's constituencies have convenient transportation, and the facilities are mature and concentrated.The Township Council is responsible for protecting the public environment. The three large and small trees in front of my house, and the shades of green leaves will sound with the wind and sand in front of the window.This is the visual benefits only below the fifth floor.

The colorful birds in the morning will fly back and forth in front of the window at different times, sending birds, very pleasant, sometimes the butterfly dances; no matter how big the wind blows, the big branches will still be back and forth, and the big branches will move back and forth back and forth.Swing left and right, it seems to salute you, and even dance with you.Sometimes people are illusory, and the house is swinging slightly with the wind, as if cradle, the glory of glory always makes people gradually sleep.

Several arrogant rooster families have opened branches and leaves downstairs, and they are still in a state of harmonious coexistence of humans and animals.While enjoying all this, we must not forget that people who maintain on the spot are unknown, day and night foreign workers.

Joy also comes from the elderly uncle who sells fish ball noodles in the neighborhood. Even if a bite of teeth is about to lose light, his ears are no longer light; when you order food, he has a sharp look and the action is still neat.The meal number identified by the picture, and then confirm which noodles point to.

We went out to see a doctor early in the morning and found that the booth of the hawker center was significantly less.We avoided those "trendy" vendors who sold six yuan on the same bowl of noodles, and finally saw the stalls of the above uncle.Even in the state of semi -deafness, he still adheres to the booth and does not have to rely on anyone or the child's support.Every morning, a bowl of diners who get up early are hot, lower than the average market price (only 3 yuan and a half), and the ingredients are not small.

The generation of hard work for the country was gradually withering. There were less people walking one by one person like the uncle, and we cherished and cherished.From the country to the leadership, the dynasty is changed, the new faces are changed, and the elders in the middle -aged elder are weak and sick. One by one requires us to invest more comprehensive care, and then gradually change the blood of the hawker center.Another world.The loss of the loss is gone, the newly coming violently attacking the market, serving the new group, and starting around; how much can it be saved for the traditional local taste.Even if it is loyal to the traditional taste, it is confused and readily accepted by the new taste.As long as the giant wheels are still diligent, the alternation and integration of the new and old is an irreversible process.

As a country, Singapore does not say that it is extraordinary and worthy of being proud of each Singaporean. How to guard it is our challenge in the next stage?The country's life course has reached the life of nearly a section. It is like an elderly, walking into a relatively mature age, and in the face of various changes and arduous challenges.Under the role of huge changes, are we running towards a society and the country that is shaped in a common shape?

Singapore's vocal honor in international and regional sounds is easy to be complacent. In fact, the Chinese people overflow the sense of superiority. They are well -known and well -known, rational, and sometimes even reaches annoying.It is precisely because we have the strength of breeding superiority and pride, and we have the conditions to introduce the low labor force of neighboring countries and attract high -end talents to join the country's construction, which has become a model of learning in many countries.When we are proud, we have a good responsibility of establishing a good example.In particular, the country as a immigrant society, in the continuous shape of the process of shaping, seeks to change the risk of losing self.This is what we must be sober and avoid.

People sometimes become stubborn, their ideas will be rigid, and the official agencies may be the same.The town will maintain the housing houses of the Housing and Development Bureau to work hard, and always walk back and forth between loosening and tightly: too much and too few can be complained.Therefore, the public space of the HDB house (the potting of the corridor is shaded, hindering walking is commonplace), it has always been a dojo that tests each other to tolerate each other.EssenceThis is where the town needs to be strengthened, setting standards and management.

As soon as a group of house cleaners who called me called me, the group house platform was too dirty and never cleaned. He couldn't listen in a word. He asked me to formally complain before he would clean up.How many people do not have a sense of value to lose their ability and dignity of self -judgment?But this is obviously not his personal problem.

I heard a sentence: Just saying a future, it has become the present, and it is said that now it has become the past.The same is true of human life and country. Now it is conscious construction. Tomorrow is the results, and many tomorrow will be the future of joint construction.

August is the National Day Month, synchronizing and retreating with the country.Go ahead, Singapore!

(The author is a text worker/merchant)