"Personal" is the abbreviation of "character settings", which refers to the setting and shaping of a person or character image.In recent years, the entertainment industry practitioners in the entertainment industry have been enthusiastic about creating people for actors, singers, etc.For example, the family wealth is frugal, such as rough appearance but loves small animals. Others may love charity. They openly support homosexuality, bisexual and transgender groups (LGBT) to shape an enlightened image and so on.Many of them have been carefully designed by the team, the purpose is to attract fans and audiences, increase their popularity and business value.

Politicians actually pay more attention to the people. In order to win the support of voters, in addition to honesty, it also needs to be shaped in many ways.For example, former US President Trump posted various images such as successful entrepreneurs, patriots, and atypical politicians.In fact, these images and his Republican slogan "Make the United States great again" has won many support for him.The recent shooting incident made Trump's image more up to the next level. The survivors of the assassination, the man who did not die, and the heroes of the persecution, and various labels can win the favor of the middle voters.

Whether it is left or right or middle school, there are supporters and opponents. As a politician, the most important thing is to determine its own faction and struggle route.

Malaysian Prime Minister Anhua made a big mistake in this regard, that is, to leave the masses and abandon his supporters in the last election and try to build a new person.After any phase, Anwar and its cabinet not only did not implement fair policies to ensure freedom of speech, but instead issued religious remarks many times, such as the terrorist organization that claims that Malaysia is non -worldly country, and even publicly supports the terrorist organization of Israel tragedy on October 7.

In the last election, Barisan Nasional's strength has declined significantly, with only 30 seats, and its backbone UMNO has only won 26 seats. Many Malay votes have flowed to the Islamic Party and the Turkish Unit of the National League.In particular, the Islamic Party's votes increased sharply, and they even obtained 43 seats, 25 more than the previous session. From this, many Malays turned to embrace conservative Muslims.

Therefore, what to break the Pakatan Harapan supporters is that Anwar began to make all kinds of conservative remarks and make himself a pioneer of Muslim to obtain the support of Muslim voters.Malaysia is a country that is dominated by the Malaysian population. Anwar, an religious performance of Anwar, may achieve a certain effect, but completely deviates from his previous route.The Pakatan Harapan supporters have many enlightened elements who have received good education and pursue national changes. This change will only cause them to abandon the Pakatan Harapan.

In fact, in the last election, the total votes of the Pakatan Harapan had nearly 6 million, while the national alliance had more than 4 million, and the Pakatan Harapan still had a certain advantage.However, Anwar did not want to attract the other party's voters with a consistent enlightened route.Tickets have repeatedly lost the phenomenon.

Anhua violated the principle of reflectoring, and by winning the six members of the Tuling Party, they changed their betrayal to the National League and switched to the united government. This made his government more solidly.The Prime Minister's seat is up until the next election.However, in the next election, who will offer a valuable vote for Anhua One Party?The devout Muslim will still choose the Islamic Party; the conservative Malays choose the UMNO or indigenous unity party; as for the Pakatan Harapan, who has neither position nor reform, who can you get support?

It is foreseeable that the current Malaysian election will increase rates, and the voting rate will reach a record low.

The author is an information technology consultant