Source: GDTODAY, South+

In 2024, the “Sanjiang River, One Paper and One Paper Return to Hometown” Overseas Chinese Cultural Exhibition opened in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce, well -known overseas Chinese leaders, and representatives of Chinese school teachers and students visited the exhibition.This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia. Through the "World Memory List" of the overseas Chinese approved archives, it evokes the hometown of overseas Chinese, especially young overseas Chinese, to enhance the understanding of Chinese culture.

Nearly 200 overseas Chinese batch and related information pictures string more than 100 meters long theme exhibition line.

Overseas Chinese batch pictures are stringed up to 100 meters exhibition line

Kuala Lumpur in August ushered in the peak tourist season, and the MCAs in the city center were crowded.In the 2024 "Sanjiang Outside Sea, One Paper and One Paper, Return to Hometown", the overseas Chinese and cultural exhibitions.Attract many visitors to take pictures and check in.

Entering the exhibition hall, a huge theme wall came into view. The two batch letters "one after another" were equipped with hand -painted red -headed ships.Nearly 200 overseas Chinese batch and related information pictures string more than 100 meters long theme exhibition lines, telling the story of Malaysian overseas Chinese.

"Sanjiang River, One Paper, One Paper Return to Hometown" Overseas Chinese Cultural and Cultural Exhibition.

Among them, the four Malaysian criticism and 10 overseas Chinese criticisms donated by Zhang Meisheng, a cultural scholar of Shantou overseas Chinese, mentioned the story of Shantou Chenghai Chengyang Oka Chinese Medicine Pill in Malaysia.The far -reaching history; the letter from Ye Liren, Malaysian overseas Chinese, to his mother Zhong's, and vividly showed the depths of the migrants of overseas overseas Chinese to make a living, deepened the root of the country, and do not forget the root of the country.feelings.

Overseas Chinese wrote a batch to tell family members to buy flower baskets

"When I was a kid, I helped my family to write overseas Chinese, and I was no stranger to overseas Chinese." When Lin Jiaguang, president of the Chairman of the Chaozhou Association of Malaysia, saw these familiar approval letters, the past was vividly visible, and the nostalgia was surging.Emphasize.In his opinion, overseas Chinese approved the feelings of overseas Chinese love their hometown, thinking of the family and wives of their hometown, carried the filial piety in Chinese culture, and indirectly supported the development of China at that time. Later, the financial industry and the postal industry also extended from the overseas Chinese approval.Essence

Lin Jiaguang, president of the Chairman of the Chaozhou Association of Malaysia, wrote the approval on the spot.

"Overseas Chinese criticism is not only a family connection, but also the reputation of Chinese people doing business in the local area." Wu Yuansheng, president of the Chaozhou Federation of Industry and Commerce in Malaysia, also felt a lot.He said that in the past, he wrote a letter and sent a little money to the relatives of his hometown. He did not know that they could not receive it. After many months, they had to send it back to the home book before they knew it.For today, their credit is very good, and each dollar is put on that person, and the feeling is very heavy.

On the first day of the opening, Malaysian Chinese school students visited the scene.

At the exhibition, a letter from Malaysia moved many visitors at the scene.Overseas Chinese who wrote the letter told the relatives of the family to buy flower baskets, tribute dishes (with porridge side dishes), and sausage to Malaysia, full of tenderness to evoke the childhood memories of people at home and abroad.In front of the "Garden" scene carefully set up at the exhibition site, the flower basket was hidden in the "blessing approval" written by overseas Chinese, and it was revealed that his hometown was hometown of the Malaysian young people.

Malaysian youth "taste new" Chaoshan Culture

The immersive interactive experience is also a highlight of this exhibition."Three -piece set" of Shuibu, City Basketball, and Sweet Sweet Lang, allowing visitors to experience the experience of "criticism" on the spot.Select the peach blossom transition viewing lights to sing a strong cordial rural sound; the paper -cut embossed "Shantou" as a special "non -herial batch" has become a "net red top flow" on the exhibition.

Malaysian Chinese school students write overseas Chinese in Chinese.

Lin Chuhan, a student of the second school of Wanda Town, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, is most interested in the scene of the "Garden" at the exhibition.At the age of 12, she saw that Chaoshan's 15 -year -old teenager would experience the "out of the garden" ceremony, and she hoped that she could experience it once in the future."I think of China to understand Chinese culture in depth. After returning to China, I can share with friends in Malaysia." Lin Chuhan said.

Guangdong and Malaysia Media jointly collects stories of overseas Chinese criticism

This time it was guided by the Journalism Office of the Guangdong Provincial People's Government, co -sponsored by the Information Office of the Shantou Municipal People's Government, the Shantou Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau, co -organized by the Shantou Archives and other units, and the Southern Newspaper Media Group GDTODAY and other units.

At this exhibition, the Southern Newspaper Media Group GDTODAY teamed up with the Guanghua Daily to launch the "The Story of the Five continents with Yue and Overseas Chinese" collection event, inviting friends from the five continents to write a story with overseas Chinese.

It is reported that the exhibition in Malaysia this time is the first stop for Shantou overseas Chinese to go to sea in 2024.In July last year, Shantou held a week -long historical and cultural exhibition in Bangkok, Thailand, attracting more than 10,000 visitors such as local politicians, overseas Chinese leaders, and adolescents.

"Next, Shantou will go to Cambodia on August 12 to exhibit overseas Chinese criticism." The organizer said that an overseas Chinese approval not only records the overseas Chinese's thoughts on Sangzi, but also reflects the excellent traditional Chinese culture and the world.Exchange and interaction of blending and mutual learning.

It is worth mentioning that Shantou plans to hold the 22nd International Tide Group Friendship Annual Conference and the 10th World Tide Chamber of Commerce in November this year.Economics, culture, youth, and unity are a wonderful feast.The Shantou International Convention and Exhibition Center, which is the main venue of these "two major events", also debuted at this exhibition.

GDTODAY Reporter Wu Caiqian South+Reporter Yang Lixuan