Many years of long -term Chinese are disappointed with the results of this year's Presidential election, and some are still afraid.However, most Chinese are calm.Chinese fever has not allowed members of the Indonesian Chinese community to re -use Chinese.The Chinese groups that continue to Indonesia will be more integrated to Indonesia's indigenous politics in the foreseeable future, and the degree of politics will be higher than before.

President Plabovo was an unpopular figure in the Indonesian Chinese group.This is mainly due to his actions before President Suhado and his use of "identity politics" in two presidential elections.

On the eve of Suhado's steps down in 1998, Plaboor, who was the son -in -law of Suhado, was a young leader who abducted the anti -Suhado regime in order to save the Suhado regime and created an anti -Chinese incident, which led to Indonesia.In the history of the founding of the founding of the country, the Anti -China Anti -China atrocities in May.However, Plabovo denied the matter.Later, the Indonesian Military Commission interrogated him and stopped his military position.Afterwards, Plaboor exiled himself, and soon returned to Indonesia to work in politics. In 2009, he matched the Vice President of the United States and the United States and Canadi.In the Indonesian presidential election in 2014 and 2019, in order to deal with the people and the people who advocated diversification, Plabowo has re -applied its skills.Be defeated by Okko.

Afterwards, Plabovo accepted the invitation of Zoko to enter the cabinet as the Minister of Defense, and the two changed from an enemy to a partner.Plabovo also invited Zoko's eldest son Gibblan to be the deputy to run for Zheng and Vice President in 2024, and as a result, he was elected with high votes.Some people say that Plabowava has been cleaned and no longer plays with identity politics; others don't take it for granted, saying that he only changes his strategy for the sake of win, and will be revealed in the future.

During the presidential process of 2024, Indonesian Chinese experienced unprecedented division.Analysts believe that due to the anti -China background of Plabowo and the image of her identity politics, older Chinese are very disgusted with him.They are worried that if Plabowavo is elected, it will be promulgated by anti -China measures, which is not good for the Chinese.In addition, the older generation of Chinese people also had a wishes to the former Jakarta head of Jakarta who participated in the presidential election at the time, because he was also a master of his identity politics;Zhong Wanxue.The ideal candidate in their minds is Ganchar, former Governor of Java, because he strongly advocates a diversified policy and is good for the Chinese.

However, the younger generation of Chinese voters were born in Indonesia after Suhado's fall. Indonesia has not experienced the turbulence and anti -Chinese atrocities in 1998, and there is no historical memory.They experienced Indonesia in the Democratic era.At the same time, these Chinese voters are not much different from Indonesian indigenous voters.Therefore, they are different from the older generation of Chinese.Some will support Plabovo and Anis.

It must be pointed out that the Plaboopo team imitates the Filipino Marthacus's campaign strategy; the little Marco's team has successfully improved the image of their family.The image of the Philippine hero.Sacroex also won the Philippine President's throne (see June 27, 2024, Morning Post · Humble Text) as a result.Plabowa also successfully improved his image, transformed from General Iron Blood to Grandpa Douyin, and won the support of young voters, including young Chinese voters.In 2024, young Indonesian voters accounted for about 52%of all voters, of which 31.23%were from 17 to 30 years old; 20.70%from 31 to 40 years old.Generally, the gap between the ratio of young Chinese voters and voters across the country should not be too large.

However, the same important thing is that President Zoko's attitude towards presidential candidates.The support rate of Zoko is still 80%, so the candidates he supports will also get votes supporting Zoko.Siko remained neutral on the surface, but often appeared on a stage with Plabovo. His son was Plaboor's partner, so the voters knew who he supported.Indonesia's Chinese rich consortium has not previously supported Plabovo, but a lot of Zako.Of course, these consorties also followed Zoko to support the combination of Plabowo.Therefore, among the Chinese voters, those who actively support Gandhar as the president, only Indonesians who have undergone anti -China at the end of Suhador or understand the history of the military rule of the military; most of these are older Chinese.

Now the Indonesian presidential election has settled in the ground, Plabovo will officially take office on October 20 this year.Are those Chinese who are afraid of him as president, do you want to leave Indonesia and go far away?According to my observation, these Chinese people who are dissatisfied with Plabovo will still stay in Indonesia and have no plans to leave; because they have nowhere to go.They also started to accept the facts.They still hope that Plabovo will not be alone under the restraint of Zoko and his son Giblan.

Unity of all ethnic groups can achieve political and economic stability

What is the real situation?It depends on the situation after Plaboor's appointment as president.At that time, he will start to announce the cabinet lineup and policy, and from the cabinet list, it can be seen whether Zoko still has influence.

Many years of long -term Chinese are disappointed with the results of this year's Presidential election, and some are still afraid.However, most Chinese are calm.They believe that Plabowo is the president and will not implement identity politics, because he knows that only Indonesia can achieve political and economic stability.

Like the past, Indonesian Chinese are a diversity.However, in political life, the political parties of the most Chinese Congress are the Democratic Party (PDIP), and even the former Jakarta chief Zhong Wanxue also joined the party after being released from prison.Party Chairman Meijiadi is the eldest daughter of the founding head of the founding of the founding of the founding of the founding of the founding of the popular nationalism.

In addition, although the Indonesian Unity Party (PSI) led by the Chinese young woman Grace Natalie (PSI), there are many Chinese people, but most of the party members are still indigenous.On the eve of this year's election, the party was selected as the party chairman of the party, trying to grow.Hary Tanoesoedibjo also established the Indonesian Unified Party (PPI) to have more indigenous parties, so it is not a Chinese party.In this year's parliamentary election, the above -mentioned two parties did not get 4%of the votes, and they could not cross the threshold of the election parliament.

In addition to the above -mentioned political parties, some of the Chinese people who want to participate in politics also join the Gorca Party and the Indonesian Movement Party, led by indigenous people.

As mentioned earlier, the Indonesian Chinese society is becoming more and more Indonesian.Most young Chinese no longer do not fuck Chinese, and generally use Indonesian to talk to English in Indonesia.After the failure of the left -wing 930 in 1965, General Suhado came to power and accused China of "participating in the" coup, hatred of new regimes, and promulgating decree soon to rename the "Tionngea" and "China" (Tiongkok).The aim of degrading the Chinese and China.This title has been widely used since then.Only the older generation of Chinese and the visionary intellectuals resist the title of CINA.

After more than 40 years (2014), due to the changes in the international situation, the Indonesian Chinese Society's leaders also requested that President Youdino finally issued a presidential order before his steps down to cancel the CINA title and restore the use of Tionhoa and Tiongok, but for it,It is too late; many Indonesian newspapers and the people have used to use CINA, so they use the old names; some are new and old.The younger generation of Indonesian Chinese do not know what Tionhoa is, and only understands the word CINA.Although the Chinese who are older in Chinese still refuse to use Cina, the younger generation, especially the Chinese, who has been in Indonesia, still claims to be self -proclaimed and has no feeling of being degraded.Today, the word Chindo (Indonesian branch) has also begun to pass, and it is a young Chinese who speak Indonesian.

China's rise has a certain impact on Chinese in Indonesia.Indonesian Chinese, who have lost the Chinese mother tongue,, especially their parents or ancestors can also speak Chinese Indonesian citizen children, and also started to learn Chinese.However, becauseIndonesia has no Chinese school before Suhado took office, so the degree of Chinese language is very low.Chinese fever has not allowed members of the Indonesian Chinese community to re -use Chinese.Among the Chinese school children living in the city, some three -language schools and some Indonesian schools are often used, so Indonesian and English communication is often used, and Chinese is rarely used in Chinese.Indonesia now has eight Confucius Institutes to promote Chinese learning.There are more indigenous students who are interested in learning Chinese. Many Indonesian students who go to China are indigenous.

According to statistics, in 2018, Indonesia has 15,000 students studying in China.These international students will become the vital army of Chinese Chinese.However, it seems difficult to change the language and cultural environment of Indonesian Chinese.The Chinese groups that continue to Indonesia will be more integrated to Indonesia's indigenous politics in the foreseeable future, and the degree of politics will be higher than before.

The author is a senior visiting professor at the Singapore Yusov Isaf Issa East South Asian Research Institute Nanyang University of Technology Radalon South International Research Institute