If they have not ended in our neighbors, schools, workplaces, and all corners of life, Chinese and Chinese must be used or heard.It must be very different -whether it is strengthened or weakened, richer or monotonous?The answer is self -evident.

A large shopping mall opened last month, and colleagues reported the news that the owner did not give Chinese names for the mall. Later, she asked reporters that she had thought about translation and was preparing to consult the other party's public relations.: Use the national SGTRANSlate to translate the machine to work, and then indicate the source.

I explained this way: I spent hundreds of millions of yuan to do this project, but I do n’t even have the Chinese name. Do n’t think of it.When you think that the translation is very appropriate, maybe it is really a masterpiece, but people may not think so. Even if the public relations appreciate it, the bosses of several levels on their top may have opinions and may not be appreciated.Other media will be different, causing the public to confuse (of course, there is a problem with the use of machine translation); 3. The object of your service is the reader, not this owner, the first is to write the news.It shouldn't be spent on the name of the shopping mall for others.If this kind of assignment must be serious, it takes a group of people to conceive research for a few days, and even pay for professional brand consultants to complete; four,

I can give more other reasons, but if I worry about splashing too much cold water, I will stop.

In fact, greater resistance comes from more and more groups of ignoring Chinese and indifferent groups in society. It must be said that sometimes it is arrogant.Colleagues are Chinese elites, so such depression will inevitably have some.If you pay attention to it, you can know that many street vendors and neighborhood shops have no blocks in signboards.There are many stories of creating small and medium -sized enterprises and brands in Lianhe Zaobao. It can also be seen that the Chinese name is rare, or it has become optional.

When English becomes the mother tongue of everyone, which still needs public translation?

Of course, how to get the name and whether it is necessary to have Chinese is purely good.There are very strange interviewers who insist on using English names when they insist on seeing the report, and refuse to give the Chinese name.The problem is that even the public domain, the tendency of singularity is becoming more and more obvious.For example, in the small neighborhood in the group house, this concept of planning is said to be in the late 1980s and early 1990s.A taller English than one.The above -mentioned shopping malls accidentally followed the wind, and it would not be the last.

First of all, it is necessary to emphasize that the Morning Post does not reject English in the report. Sometimes, in order to help readers understand, reporters also ask reporters to include notes, especially scientific and technological terms, exclusive nouns in various fields.However, if the business name, brand, building, activities, planning, projects, etc. are written in English, the reading experience will definitely not be good. Let reporters "hard" translation, estimated that the communication efficiency will also be discounted.A bunch of Chinese and English texts on the newspaper are mixed, and even those who write or read it. Poor my radio or television station. If you have to convert the word code in the air from time to time, the pain index must be very high.Essence

The above description is just the increasingly shrinking scope of Chinese use. Among the four official Chinese language, Malaywin is more at stake than Chinese, while Wanmir has long disappeared.Not long ago, I attended a cross -institutional translation work seminar and looked forward to the next 10 years.In the group discussion, some members mentioned that the translation machine came out, and still needed a person to translate, but then it touched a more core question: when it came to a certain day, English became the "mother tongue" of everyone.Intersection

In the past, the inheritance of mother tongue and parent culture depends on the three pillar power: First, the Chinese and Chinese groups, mainly include the clubs and industry associations.wait.The second is Chinese education, mainly Chinese teachers, scholars and major elementary schools.The third is the Chinese newspaper in the past, and the entire Chinese media career.In these three major fields, many people are still working hard, but they also face their own challenges and hidden concerns.

Mother tongue media are writing island nations for deposit

The hall is mainly functional, unlike the past, the duties of education, assistance, medicine, funeral, funeral, sacrifice, and even dispute mediation have been arranged for the past.Now more, there are only friendships and maintaining nostalgia. If you have the power to participate, you will participate in the promotion of culture. In addition, you have different achievements. Some small halls, because the rural areas have passed away, are caught in a crisis of unmanned succession.

Chinese education is directly related to the level of Chinese language and recognition of culture in the next generation. Some people think that the prospects are optimistic, but they are more worried.The morning newspaper speech and communication letter, the latter view was more expression.In addition, it is less touched by the training of the teacher team. Although there is no problem in the quantity, it is doubtful whether the heritage is thick as the previous generation.

What about Chinese media?We are facing two major problems of the overall ecology and the two major problems of mother tongue usage and horizontal degradation.So I often ask myself: Is Chinese talents sufficient in the future, and whether there are sufficient audience and market demand?Last month, there was a special report that "how does English be too strong and have been subverted by science and technology to subvert the local mother tongue media?" Discussing these dilemmas, and interviewed the person in charge of the Malay and Tamil report to write them.How to turn the tide and look forward to the way out.

In addition to expanding the vision to the three pillars, there are actually two loose but clearly distinguished formats in China.The first is a local "small tradition" member (allowing me to borrow the concept of "small tradition" in anthropology).They are distributed at the grassroots level. They mainly use the teachings of the folk beliefs, the body of family parents and the passage of mouth, as well as the medium of popular music and sub -culture.Including a certain degree of mother tongue and dialect ability.

The immigration group supports a piece of sky

They are not literati, but they are more believers in Purdue in July, participants in the temple fair, and Angori and Anxie who will go to the front of the song early.Last month, I went to the concert of Jinsha to listen to the rock giant Wu Bai, and when the crowd, there was a chorus of the rogue love song Norwegian forest. I think I can also include this thousands of fans and fans.Sometimes I feel that this group of gas fields are quite strong, and the shouts of "flourishing, prosperous, and hair" have been smelled;The style of the style, no longer heyday, the crowd gradually dispersed.

Another group is to know the new immigrants of Chinese and Chinese and their children.Among them, two major sources can be distributed.The first is from the Greater China. They have different degrees of integration in the south and north.Some are not familiar with life, and they are still exploring the edges, and others have begun to have their own fellow villagers and interest organizations.Some of them have business, some teaching, distributed all walks of life, and many people in cultural circles.Their children, Chinese language are generally topped. From the "Chinese Competition" event we held every year, we can see that they are always the main force, and their advantages are extremely obvious.The arrival of immigrants has injecting a lot of new blood and vitality into the local Chinese society, and it also makes the culture more colorful. At least there is no shortage of vegetables and flavors in various places.

The Chinese town of Chinese language on the other side of Changdi

The other is you and I am more familiar with you. People from the "state government" added that there are new and old immigrants and PR, and they often laugh at themselves."Marla".I often think, if they have no their steady stream of steady into our neighborsIn all corners of the school, school, workplace, and life, Chinese and Chinese must be used or heard, and there must be a lot of opportunities, and the cornerstone and appearance of our entire Chinese society will definitely be very different -whether it is strengthened or weakened, changing, changingIs it rich or monotonous?The answer is self -evident.

It must be said that the Chinese Chinese language of the Malaysians is really "a few powerful", mainly because they also have a complete Chinese school system and endlessly.According to a report from the Strait Times last week, about 21%of indigenous and Indian students in the Chinese primary school in Malaysia.Let me add another number I read before. At present, the number of chief students in the sixth grade of China in China is more than 500,000, that is, there are more than 100,000 non -Chinese children who are studying!Considering that their Chinese primary Chinese level should be higher than us, plus many independent middle schools, and the Malaysia, Raman, New Age, Southern, Hanjiang and Xiamen University Campus of Malaysia, and the Chinese DepartmentWait, after a few years, their Chinese "a few powerful" Malay and Indian young people are as many or more as our Chinese children. Although it is incredible, it is a high probability event.

Last month, I visited the Southern University College of Shiguglai with my friends. The person in charge took us to visit a new Chinese literature in the library. The collection of books in it surprised me.Former colleagues Pan Zhengbi spread out his works in it to sign, there were more than a dozen, which exceeded my cognition.In another 6,000 books set by Dr. Wei Weixian, a local late scholar, in the liberal library, seeing his hundreds of books on the collection book collection, I was both relieved and sighed.Why can't they stay in Singapore?The curator said that in his office, there was the manuscript of the late newspaper reporter Li Xingke. I thought in my heart that we should not accept it in the large information room of our newspaper.When writing this manuscript, a friend and the South agreed that his batch of books would be sent over this month.

Local Chinese is barely enough to see, not too cold, I really have to be grateful for the influx of hundreds of thousands of foreign "Chinese people" in the past few decades.In fact, the editorial department of the Morning Post is the miniature of the island nation. If there is no elite help in all places in Malaysia and China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, including the second generation of new immigrants, then you will read a very different morning newspaper; the level will be moreHigh or lower, the answer is also self -evident.

At this point, I can't help but think of one night in June. At the large dinner tribute to the Chinese Society leader Li Xianlong, when he watched the retrospective video made by him, he touched his heart.He did see himself as a Chinese school student, knows the concerns of the Chinese News Agency, and can communicate with each other.He is a reader of the Morning Post. He can sing the long stream of water in the rumor. He can tell the former Vice Premier Wu Yi to tell the "high altitude" of Su Dongpo's water.The most impressive thing is that in an interview before he stepped down, he said that he had time to come down, and the most wanted to read Qi Bangyuan's novel giant river.I thought at that time that this should be the last one, the next 4G, 5G, 6G ... Probably no such prime minister, maybe even the minister.

In any case, I hope that Chinese, Chinese and Chinese media can continue to strengthen themselves, and in the future, they can continue the mainstay role of the past 100 years; I also hope that among the children of the Chinese -whether they are native or new immigrant children, there are still enough enough children to be sufficient.Duo Wu Gong has not been abolished, it is best to be "a little powerful". You can take over the salary fire, so that the Chinese language landscape on this land is long and beautiful.

As for now, it is probably not interesting to encounter a large shopping mall or something without a Chinese name.Finding a translation machine to help, it is also good.

The author is the deputy editor -in -chief of United Zaobao