Talent is constantly constant, and the return mechanism is attractive. It is the success of Malaysian badminton.However, there are also problems of Malaysia's badminton, such as bureaucracy and rigid system.In addition, training focuses on technology and ignores psychological construction, leading to the weak psychological quality of the players, and it is easy to be affected by the opponent during the game.

On the 10th day of the Paris Olympics in 2024, Malaysia finally ushered in the first Olympic medal.Although this is just a two -tapping bronze medal of a badminton man, for the Malaysian people who are keen on badminton, the glory won by Xie Dingfeng and Su Wei's translation combination is still exciting.In the Badminton Men's Single Bronze Medal the next day, although Li Zijia, known as a brother of the Malaysian Badminton, was in a disadvantage, started to reverse after entering the second game, and finally defeated the 2-1 score of Lats from India.Ya Sen ushered in the second medal for Malaysia to make the country boiling.

Of course, compared with the 1 silver and 1 copper of the last Tokyo Olympics, the results of the 2 copper are not excellent for the Malaysian country as a traditional badminton brigade;The comparison of the 4 -sided silver medal obtained in it is not as good as the end.However, everyone who is familiar with badminton competition knows that the Olympic medal is not the only criterion for the strength of the player's strength, because the real official standard is the ranking of the World Badminton Federation (BWF).Grand events have accumulated more scores and push their rankings.

In the competition authorized by Shiyu, except for the Thomas Cup and Uber Cup held every two years, the remaining large and small events, such as the lower level of the world challenge, and the higher -level world tour, the world, the worldThe badminton championships, etc., seem to be held every year.Therefore, professional players are always playing. They will avoid stopping as much as possible, so as not to affect the points and lead to surpassing players with positive attitudes.Why is this ranking so important?Because it can affect Shiyu's decision to open the qualifications of Olympic badminton or World Championships to related players.

Although the Malaysian players have receded slightly in this Olympic Games, the latest World Points ranking shows that Malaysia is still in the top 10 in the world in men's doubles, men's singles and mixed doubles.In addition to the third and sixth world of men's doubles in the men's doubles, Malaysian Mixed Players Chen Tangjie and Du Yizhen ranked ninth in the mixed doubles.These rankings allow Malaysia to rank fifth in the world in the World Badminton National Team.These achievements can still show the thick foundation of Malaysia in the badminton field.

What is worth pondering is why Malaysia have such a deep basis of badminton competition?This can be discussed from two aspects.

First of all, badminton has a long history and cultural foundation in Malaysia, and can be traced back to the British colonial period.Penang colonial government's first governor Ledt officially introduced badminton to Malaya in 1809.Because of the low threshold for learning and equipment, this sport was quickly swept the entire Penang Island.At the same time, many members of the Malay royal family also came into contact with badminton during studying in the UK, which also made badminton popular in Malaysia, and became a popular national movement after the 1930s.

Based on the long history of this sport, and the degree of popularity, most of the people of Malaysia have the opportunity to contact badminton on different occasions since childhood.This also guarantees that there are no shortage of talent resources of badminton projects in this country. It does not need to rely on foreign aid, and it is more flexible in the selection of competition players.

The second is the mechanism of the team.Although the Malaysian government led the team to win the 1992 Thomas Cup in the legend of the badminton, the team officially included badminton in national sports projects, but for the system, organization and training of badminton competitionsBy the earliest 1934, when the Malaysian Badminton Federation (BAM) was established.

This national badminton management agency, which is still operating so far, is mainly responsible for organizing domestic events and discovering and training players, and process mechanisms and systematic.In addition, Yu's generally set up a parallel compensation mechanism for salary and rewards allows players to receive team support and fixed monthly salary and allowance during the training period.After winning important international competitions, the government will also provide high rewards. For example, Li Zijia, who has won the Olympic bronze medal, can receive a bonus of RM 100,000 (about S $ 29,000) under the government reward mechanism, and 2000 per month 2000 per month.Lord's lifelong remuneration.

Of course, if the players can get the Olympic gold medal, this reward is RM1 million, and the monthly life is RM5,000.In addition, because badminton events are very popular, many companies in Malaysia often announced their private corporate circles awarding plans during the Olympic, World Championships, soup cups and other events to provide cash rewards, cars or apartments for athletes who win the event.Even the opportunity to endorse the brand.

This kind of reward incentive allows professional players to concentrate on training.In addition, the overall income of the Malaysians is low, and these systematic compensation mechanisms can also attract more new blood investment training teams to some extent.

Obviously, these two major factors are the success of Malaysian badminton.In the past, Malaysia has produced many world -class badminton stars, such as Rushev Sidi, Jalanisi, Xie Shunji, Ye Jinfu, Huang Zonghan, Chen Wenhong, Gu Jianjie, Li Zongwei, etc., which also allowed the general public of the Malaysian country toWatching badminton is a sports competition that best represents Malaysia.Therefore, in the Paris Olympics, although the government and the public also have the expectations of the gold medal, they are placed in the venue foot car race project held on the 7th, but Volkswagen still hopes to be stored on badminton.In the "Gold Medal Road" plan that the government promoted last year, 64%of the funding was injected into the cultivation of the badminton gold medal.

Of course, Malaysia also has its own problems. For example, in recent years, because of the disadvantages such as bureaucracy and the rigid system, many outstanding coaches have left overseas coaching.Zhong Tengfu and Huang Daming of the South Korean team.Some players such as Li Zijia and Wu Liuying (retired) have also withdrawn from the national team and represent Malaysia as the periphery.Furthermore, the general training of Yu focuses on technology and ignores psychological construction, which leads to the weak psychological quality of the players and is easily affected by the opponent during the game.If these two major problems are not overcome, the road of the Olympic Games in the Malaysian badminton may be difficult to achieve.

The author is the assistant professor of the Department of Political and News, the Department of Political and News, Malaysia.